CLOSE first, THEN optimize the financing

Written by Gregg Winter

In today’s white-hot real estate market, it’s likerepparttar shootout atrepparttar 141780 OK Corral. Move first and faster thanrepparttar 141781 next guy, or you’re dust.

Asrepparttar 141782 Manager of a Private Mortgage Fund which makes Bridge and Mezzanine loans on commercial and investment real estate, I continually come in contact with individuals (in some cases potential borrowers, and in other cases potential Fund Investors) who are SHOCKED that anyone would EVER borrow at rates of 12% or 14%! It’s an interesting initial visceral reaction that usually dissipates whenrepparttar 141783 individual “doesrepparttar 141784 numbers” and quickly realizes that there is a huge difference between borrowing at a hefty rate for only 10 or 12 months vs., say, five or ten years. Further comprehension usually follows asrepparttar 141785 individual pondersrepparttar 141786 various factors that typically motivate Borrowers to seek a Bridge Loan such as an upcoming time-of–the–essence closing where a bank has yet to produce a commitment letter for one reason or another yetrepparttar 141787 deal MUST close within, say, 10 days. Another typical reason is an individual having an opportunity to buy a property at a time whenrepparttar 141788 individual’s liquidity is limited, their cash flow is weak, or their credit scores are less than perfect, but they see a compelling upside strategy and have a clear plan and budget outlined to achieve it. We often provide Private Money for situations that, once stabilized, will easily qualify for bank financing.

Userepparttar 141789 right tool atrepparttar 141790 right time:

Bridge loans are NOT intended to be utilized for a long period of time, and, of course, no one uses them as long-term permanent financing. The Bridge lender must be smart, nimble and FAST. The staff, legal counsel and appraisers of a private lender need to operate like a SWAT team; analyzing, underwriting, drafting loan documents and closingrepparttar 141791 loan in very short order. The underlying quid pro quo for Private Money MUST be: “we’re expensive but we’re fast and dependable”. Expensive for a few months is also entirely different than expensive for 10 years. The fact is, that in today’s fast-moving real estate world, speed and certainty of execution are priority #1. It’s hard enough to find a property worth buying. Many sellers will not permit a mortgage contingency, and of course,repparttar 141792 market is swimming with 1031 tax-free exchange buyers who can buy all-cash or put down a significant down payment. Clearly, an all-cash buyer or a buyer armed with a financing commitment will usually be chosen over a buyer who insists on a conventional mortgage contingency. Oftenrepparttar 141793 strategy must be: Find a worthwhile asset, tie it up, CLOSE onrepparttar 141794 asset with temporary, fast, dependable financing, and THEN putrepparttar 141795 perfect, low-rate financing in place once you controlrepparttar 141796 asset and haverepparttar 141797 luxury of time to get it just right.

First hitrepparttar 141798 target, then worry about getting a Bull’s Eye:

We sometimes see perfectionist buyers determined to “win” on buying an asset, fiddling around with various LIBOR-based, low-rate bank financing alternatives, wondering which will save them more money, while their competition is either paying all cash or has a Bridge loan lined up so they can go to contract without a financing contingency (two metaphors that come to mind are: “winningrepparttar 141799 battle but losingrepparttar 141800 war”, and “playingrepparttar 141801 violin while Rome is burning”). Sometimes these “low-rate obsessed” buyers end up with a beautiful commitment for a nice low rate and nothing to buy with it. It’s obviously important to know whenrepparttar 141802 urgency to have a FAST and FIRM loan commitment outweighs anything else.

Pop Goes The "Real Estate Bubble" Myth!

Written by Roseanne Nepht

If you turn onrepparttar TV, listen torepparttar 141763 radio, or even surfrepparttar 141764 internet, you'll notice that there is a lot of people talking aboutrepparttar 141765 "Real Estate Bubble", and askingrepparttar 141766 question, "when is it going to burst?" They (these so-called experts) have been saying for years thatrepparttar 141767 real estate market can't continue this type of growth. These "experts" remind me of chicken little, with all of their prosphesy of doom and gloom, andrepparttar 141768 "sky is falling" syndrome. The truth is there has never been a real estate bubble inrepparttar 141769 past, or presently, and there will certainly never be one inrepparttar 141770 future. Talk about there being a "real estate bubble" isrepparttar 141771 stuff that urban legends are made of.

Here'srepparttar 141772 readers digest version of what it all means. The real estate market is really, a "wave". It's cyclical, and we are riding on a big wave right now. Real Estate is just like Investing inrepparttar 141773 stock market, There are good years when values rise and there are years that are better, when values rise even higher. That's it, in a nutshell. Real estate has gone up and down throughout history, and generally speaking, it is fairly stable. When you look at a graph of real estate values, you would be able to see a clear pattern of increasing values. Now some years would have higher peaks than others, and all in all, it is a gradual building slope from left to right. And it looks just like a wave.

In addition, there are more up cycles, than down cycles. Sorepparttar 141774 recent growth we've had will be followed by ones of downturn. The only difference is that it may not be as much of an increase, in other wordsrepparttar 141775 increase will be slower. The bottom line is, it will still be growth. This is why there will always be growth. Real Estate is a basic need. People need a roof over their heads. You can rest assured that people will be renting, buying, leasing, and selling homes. And it doesn't matter ifrepparttar 141776 market is low or high or ifrepparttar 141777 interest rates are up or down. Real Estate is a sure thing!

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