DENVER – Sometimes as Freud once said a good cigar is just a smoke. A headache, onrepparttar other hand, occasionally can be a sign of something much more serious than just a headache.

This is particularly true if it is accompanied by facial pain, neck and shoulder pain, tinnitus or ringing inrepparttar 114078 ears and unexplained loose teeth. These symptoms, along with jaw pain, limited jaw movement or locking jaw, numbness inrepparttar 114079 fingers and arms, worn or cracked teeth and clicking or popping inrepparttar 114080 jaw joints can be signs that a person hasrepparttar 114081 condition called temporomandibular joint syndrome or TMJ. The condition occurs whenrepparttar 114082 teeth, facial muscles and temporomandibular joints are out of alignment.

Fortunately, neuromuscular dentistry can help alleviate symptoms such as headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, clicking or popping inrepparttar 114083 jaw and tinnitus – another

Secrets to Healthy Weight Gain

Written by Beverley Brooke

There is so much emphasis on weight loss in todays culture that it is easy for people to forget that many out there are actually people out there trying to gain weight, not lose it.

There are many different reasons why someone might be trying to gain weight. Many people for example may become underweight due to medical problems, such as hormonal problems or digestive diseases.

Still others have a very fast metabolism, and are naturally thin, torepparttar point where they may feel uncomfortable about their weight.

You may be one ofrepparttar 114077 few athletes out there that is looking to pack on more pounds to appear muscular. Regardless of your reasons, gaining weight requires that you pay careful attention to your diet to gain weight in a healthy manner.

The key to gaining weight healthily is taking in more Calories per day than you expend. The number of calories you burn during a day will depend on a number of factors.

If you are an athlete, you likely burn more calories than someone who leads a relatively sedentary existence. A physically demanding job might also result in greater caloric expenditure every day.

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