CEO's Discuss Incentive Compensation

Written by Al Weide

The following arerepparttar highlights ofrepparttar 103743 Executive Briefing on Incentive Compensation for Small to Mid Sized Companies

James Kaitz, CEO of The Association For Financial Professionals shared that his organization has exceeded their annual targets using an incentive plan and described howrepparttar 103744 plan has encouraged teamwork through shared goals.

"At AFP,repparttar 103745 CEO's objectives, as set byrepparttar 103746 Board of Directors, are published and known by all employees," said Kaitz. "We were very excited whenrepparttar 103747 employees voted - on their own- to post their goals onrepparttar 103748 intranet. It was a great step.

Everyone can see everyone else's goals so it encourages better goals - no one wants to be seen as having "weak" goals."

Their plan has three major organizational objectives that establishrepparttar 103749 incentive pool level, and then performance against individual goals determinesrepparttar 103750 specific award each employee receives. All employees have performance goals, usually 3 to 5 goals each.

"Each yearrepparttar 103751 goal setting process gets easier. These are bottom up goals that are oriented towardrepparttar 103752 CEO's objectives andrepparttar 103753 core values ofrepparttar 103754 organization. They are all consolidated and ultimately reviewed by senior management. This process is taking less time each year. A really great outcome of this process is that employees begin to realize that to be successful, they have to work with other people, which has lead to an increased number of shared goals," explained Jim Kaitz. "Our results inrepparttar 103755 incentive plan have exceeded my expectations."

Dr. Laurence McCarthy, Chairman of Focus Technologies, Inc., described how his scientists and employees are gettingrepparttar 103756 right results and making a profit in a tough market. He describedrepparttar 103757 evolution of Focus andrepparttar 103758 challengesrepparttar 103759 organization faced over time anrepparttar 103760 associated concerns in designing incentive plans. Focus was formed around a 1988 acquisition of a small privately held company located inrepparttar 103761 West. A change in culture was needed afterrepparttar 103762 acquisition "Sales people were hated because new sales meant more work!" A lost has changed since then. Initiallyrepparttar 103763 incentive plan forrepparttar 103764 Western location was mainly tied to sales revenue, but overrepparttar 103765 past two years has been broadened to include quality and cost-based metrics. An Eastern location was established in 1994 to develop an online database and value-added laboratory services to pharmaceutical companies engaged inrepparttar 103766 development of anti-infective drugs. Incentive compensation for this group was, until recently, focused on sales growth and market penetration. Cost management and profit goals now are a part of this organization’s incentives. "Our growth has been 15% per year and our success has been due torepparttar 103767 efforts of our gifted employees who have responded torepparttar 103768 changes in strategies needed sustainrepparttar 103769 company’s growth," said Dr. McCarthy.

Incentives and Customer Satisfaction

Written by Al Weide

Improving Customer Satisfaction Through Incentive Compensation

Halifax Electric Membership Corporation, in Enfield North Carolina, wanted to make sure they were meetingrepparttar needs of its 12,000 customers, who also happen to be its owners. They designed an incentive plan in 1999, withrepparttar 103742 help of HURECO, INC., of Vienna, VA, to focus employees on improving customer satisfaction. Duringrepparttar 103743 ensuing years, satisfaction ratings have moved up from 8.58 to 9.08 in 2004, a record that others are unlikely to match.

What dorepparttar 103744 employees think ofrepparttar 103745 program?

“The major contributor for Halifax EMC is a group of employees who are already connected torepparttar 103746 members they serve. Whenrepparttar 103747 survey process began andrepparttar 103748 results and member comments were shared by management, employees took initiative to adjust and implement changes…even sharing suggestions on how to improve between each other and throughoutrepparttar 103749 organization. I don’t believe there are many organizations whose employees have a better feel of their customer’s pulse than here at Halifax EMC.” Brady Martin

“The incentive plan has employees taking pride in their work and assisting our fellow employees with their duties to be more efficient as a company. We try to keep outages as short as possible. We go out and beyond to give our new and old membersrepparttar 103750 best service possible.” Roger Chappell

“The incentive plan has made us conscious of communication with members and talking with members about what we are doing on their property and just being nice in general.” Danny Pendergrass

“The key has beenrepparttar 103751 incentive compensation program. As Member Services Representative at Halifax EMC for 42 years, my public relations with members has been extensive, and I thinkrepparttar 103752 survey givesrepparttar 103753 members a feeling of ownership and of having an active voice in their cooperative. Also, since employees know thatrepparttar 103754 survey is being conducted, each one is aware that any member can be called at any time. With an ongoing survey, there is an overwhelming feeling of togetherness between employees and members as we are a team working together for improved welfare for all concerned.” Kathryne K. Hamill The incentive compensation program has beenrepparttar 103755 primary tool used to focus employee efforts on member satisfaction. It took time for some employees to warm up to this approach. Some are still uncomfortable with it. Howeverrepparttar 103756 incentive program has gained overwhelming support overrepparttar 103757 last few years as employees were able to realize gains when member satisfaction increased.

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