Written by Ann Baehr

CAN YOU AFFORD TO WRITE YOUR OWN RESUME? Why would someone pay a professional resume writer to write their resume when they have a computer, can use resume templates, and can find resume samples online and in books to get ideas on setting up and composing their own resume? The answer lies in what type of position they are targeting and their level of resume writing skills. Whether basic or complex, a resume must be attractive, focused, and interesting to read. Failing to achieve these objectives means failing to make a good first impression. Many things need to be taken into consideration in order to accomplish these goals. Here are five things to consider: 1. You must understandrepparttar technical aspects of resume development. This includes resume design (what fonts to use and spacing), use of industry specific key words, career synopsis and company profiles, appropriate resume style and formats (reverse chronological, functional and combination), and page length. 2. You must have good word processing skills! 3. You must understand whatrepparttar 105058 hiring manager is looking for and what you've done so you can make a match between their needs and your qualifications. 4. You must have grammatically correct, creative writing skills to communicate what you have done inrepparttar 105059 positions you have held using a reasonable amount of detail. 5. You must avoid wastingrepparttar 105060 reader's time by listing too much irrelevant information or going back too far ifrepparttar 105061 position does not warrant it. Some positions such as waitress, car wash attendant, and cashier might not require a resume. If they do, it would be a general resume with a traditional objective statement and chronological listing of jobs held with a sentence or two under each to indicate responsibilities, along with job-specific skills, and education. In a word: simple. However, sometimes a resume needs to be strategically developed to emphasizerepparttar 105062 value you offer a company, especially ifrepparttar 105063 position is very competitive and you need to stand out fromrepparttar 105064 rest ofrepparttar 105065 potential candidates. Often, a job seeker finds himself or herself in a pickle because they have held many different positions overrepparttar 105066 years and do not know how to keeprepparttar 105067 resume focused for a particular position. Maybe you are

Illegal Interview Questions -- Be Prepared

Written by Nathan Newberger

This topic will keep you alert of illegal interview questions and strategies on how to best deal with them if they do arise. This information can help you when you are interviewing for a position and also when you conduct interviews yourself.

I’ll quickly coverrepparttar following:

A) Why Employer Ask Illegal Interview Questions. B) Examples of Illegal Interview Questions. C) Tips on How To Respond to Illegal Interview Questions.


U.S. law prohibits certain types of questions and you are by no means required or obligated to answer these questions. These questions are prohibited for a reason: to keep employers from unfairly trying to weed you out as a possible employee.

A) WHY EMPLOYERS ASK ILLEGAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS. ================================================= The interview is where you get your chance to sell yourself directly torepparttar 105056 employer. Duringrepparttar 105057 interviewrepparttar 105058 employer is obviously trying to learn more about you and how you may or may not fit inrepparttar 105059 company.

The main reason why an employer might purposely slip in some illegal questions is basically to try and get information to keep you from getting a job. Most illegal questions revolve around personal information and asking them is usually not related torepparttar 105060 job and is often discriminatory in nature.

Another reason some employers ask illegal questions is because they just don’t know any better. Many interviewers are not trained at all and simply don’t know what is legal versus illegal. Please keep this in mind, it may just be a poorly trained, inexperienced or just curious interviewer and not meant to be harmful or discriminatory at all.

B) EXAMPLES OF ILLEGAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS. ===========================================

Illegal questions generally fall into 4 categories: --------------------------------------------------- 1. Disabilities & Physical Skills 2. Personal Background 3. Race, Creed, or Color 4. Family & Relationship Items

10 Sample Illegal Questions: ---------------------------- 1. How tall are you? 2. Are you a US Citizen? 3. How old are you? 4. Are you really a man? 5. Are you Chinese or Japanese? 6. What religion are you? 7. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? 8. Have you ever been arrested? 9. Are you married? 10. How many children do you have?

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