Written by /"Wild Bill/"

This article discusses a topic that every business owner hopes to never consider, but many have been or will be faced with inrepparttar future.

FALURE! Nobody wants to think aboutrepparttar 106892 unthinkable. However, if many failed business owners would have given this subject more thought and research, it may have saved them thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Running a business is quite like growing vegetables. You must know when to plant, when to water, when to pick and when, if needed, to "burn it all down and start anew". A failed attempt at anything is not a pleasant thought. For many an entrepreneur there will come a time when you simply need to stop, recap your mistakes, refocus your energies, call it quits and if you still haverepparttar 106893 heart for it, start over. Starting over may mean rebuilding your present business or closing those doors for good.

This doesn't mean you should give up atrepparttar 106894 drop of a dime. This article is for those of you who have done everything you can and it just isn't enough. It's time for you to take a good, hard look at your business. Take an inventory of your past efforts and accomplishments.

Here arerepparttar 106895 top "signs" to look for:

* Are you spending more than you are taking in? * Have you drained savings to stay afloat? * Are you up to your neck in debt already? * Surviving with Credit Cards? * Losing money and considering a loan to bail you out? * Running out of friends and favors to call on? * Productivity dropping? * Find yourself disinterested in your business? * Anxiety attacks worrying about your business? * Suffering family life? * Loss of Confidence?

"How You Can Make $4,000.0 A Day, Sitting At Your Kitchen Table, In Your Underwear!"

Written by Didier Bonneville-Roussy & Barry Lycka

Are you a person who could use this kind of money? Of course you are!!!

The next question is how you in your wildest dreams you can do this.

You need to start with a small step. You need to educate yourself aboutrepparttar ins and outs of doing a business before you do anything else.

Since you've reading this information, I figure you want to be an entrepreneur. Right?

Wrong! Fromrepparttar 106891 very moment you start thinking about your business start-up you ARE an entrepreneur! You must think as if you already have your business up and running.

How do you get started? Well, I can tell you a little bit about it in this article.

First and foremost, I want to walk you throughrepparttar 106892 very important process of building your vision. Any business, whatever it may be, starts with someone, somewhere, having a vision. That is what started KFC, Coca Cola and McDoanld’s. And now you're in that process, right now, because you're reading these lines.

When I started my business I made one big mistake and I realized later that many business owners commit that same one atrepparttar 106893 start-up. So what is it?

I planned and chose my business onrepparttar 106894 basis of income potential, onrepparttar 106895 basis of money.

Why is it a mistake? After all, we all do business forrepparttar 106896 very same reason: to make money. So how could planning it on that basis be a mistake?

The reason is simple. Money is a concept. If we all want money it is because of what we know it can provide for you. But in itself money isn’t worth my time or yours. Not even $4,000 a day!!

What is worthrepparttar 106897 time investment when we put our business inrepparttar 106898 start-up mode is what we plan to do with all that hard earned cash piling up in our bank account.

Sorepparttar 106899 first thing is you'll have to ask yourself why you want to start a business inrepparttar 106900 first place. What are your personal goals in terms of lifestyle?

The first reason I hear from people looking to start their own business is: "I want to leaverepparttar 106901 rat race, I don't want to work for someone, I want to stop working from 9 to 5 five or six days a week and most of all I want to quit that job I don't like!"

Does that sound like your situation? I guess that this is at least part of your thinking.

But while this is better than thinking “I want to make tons of money”, it's not enough. It is a good start, but you need to work this out a bit more so you can have a clear picture of what you want to achieve.

In order to do, this you'll have to visualizerepparttar 106902 lifestyle you want. As an example, each and every day when I wake up inrepparttar 106903 morning I spend half an hour to a full hour fixated on a blank wall. And I look at it as if there was a movie projected on that flat blank wall. The movie I see is what I want.

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