Written by By Eva Dahm, CPCC, MA

One way I measure someone’s ability to change is whether she asks herself “What’srepparttar lesson here?” atrepparttar 123207 end of an experience. When you believe that situations lead to lessons, you look for insights. This question insures you are open to new information and change.

How have you tried to change inrepparttar 123208 past? Have you actually changed habits? What do you know now about change?


The first key in creating groundwork is imaging yourself AFTERrepparttar 123209 change has been accomplished. If you cannot see yourself as a stronger, more fit person, you will never be able to begin and continuerepparttar 123210 exercise to get yourself there. If you cannot see yourself as a non-smoker, it will not happen. So begin to visualizerepparttar 123211 new you in detail. Seerepparttar 123212 change in your imagination. (This will also bring up your awareness ofrepparttar 123213 gains and losses in this change and give you time to grieverepparttar 123214 losses.)

Would a visual clue remind you ofrepparttar 123215 commitment? How about using an old picture of a slimmer you? How about creating a symbol of what you can do when you no longer smoke—hiking or playing with young people?

Your perspective onrepparttar 123216 change can also be a roadblock. Some of my clients are not comfortable doing things for themselves. They sacrifice to care for another but not for themselves. Eating right or making time for refreshing activity are gifts to you, and not selfish at all. How can you make time for YOU? A change in perspective is needed.

Second, a good plan is essential as well as a support system of people to call if you fall offrepparttar 123217 wagon. You will want to reward yourself, too. A client who stopped smoking decided to buy a magazine, paint her nails, or go out for coffee. Small things, for sure, but a celebration of her progress. For years, I knew I wanted to meditate daily. I would do a session on couple of mornings and then fall out ofrepparttar 123218 habit. Then I took a course where I made a promise to mediate daily. The external support and accountability was there. I began meditating have been doing it regularly for months.

Who could support you? Friends or family members who encourage you are great. You may also want to consider a coach. A life coach is a neutral person who can provide support and accountability and be a catalyst forrepparttar 123219 change you want.


A place to look for motivation to change is your individual values. What do you hold as important in your life? (Freedom, Integrity, Play time, Lifelong Learning?) How can that value be lived more fully if you make a change? I had a client who decided to live her discipline value more fully by committing to exercise and healthy eating. These changes are a part of a bigger issue for her now.

(P)Refer to Grow Your Business

Written by Miami Phillips

P)Refer to Grow Your Business

(Although this article is geared towards small business owners,repparttar information is just as applicable to a similar personal situation, onlyrepparttar 123206 action is slightly different.)

Here isrepparttar 123207 scenario. You have begun your day at work. Your day is planned ahead, withrepparttar 123208 big challenges first. You want to finish these up, get them out ofrepparttar 123209 way and take a little time off this afternoon for yourself. You deserve and need it to stay your best for your family, yourself and your customers.

Just as you get into your first task ofrepparttar 123210 morning,repparttar 123211 phone rings. "I need help right now!" It's Joe Blow, your most troublesome customer (friend).

Forrepparttar 123212 last six months, Joe has been coming to you with his problems (never challenges or opportunities) expecting you to drop everything and help him. Fromrepparttar 123213 very beginning you realized it was probably a mistake to have taken Joe on as a customer. No matter how much you charge Joe for your services, Joe will never be satisfied, and you will never make a profit.

Joe, and customers like him, seem to have an innate ability to attract problems as honey does bees. Of course he blames everyone else, waits untilrepparttar 123214 last minute, and calls you to bail him out.

What do you do?

Don't. By fulfilling Joe's needs for instant gratification, and allowing him to create a habit of calling you instead of installing disciplines of his own you are hurting not only him, but you as well.

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