Buying books online - isn't Amazon the best value?

Written by Dilip Sinha

Everybody wants good value when they buy books online - especially expensive ones. And everyone knows that people like Amazon have transformed book buying to provide everyone with better value than bookshops and other booksellers.

Don't they? Haven't they?

Not exactly. I am telling you because I should know. I too am a trader. I getrepparttar same prices, presumably, as Amazon fromrepparttar 108942 publishing houses. They may even get a bigger discount from me becuase they buy in bulk for their thousands of customers. So how can I charge less than me?

Is it because they add apostage charge of around £3 to all orders under around £39? Most paperback books are around £6.99. If you look at Amazon's description ofrepparttar 108943 book it may say "Our price £5.59. You save 20%". You are then invited to "buy now".

So you are saving £1.40 onrepparttar 108944 price you would pay in a bookshop but then paying £3 postage. That makesrepparttar 108945 price £1.60 MORE thanrepparttar 108946 bookshop price. That'srepparttar 108947 smallest village bookshop you can find, remember. Are you really going to order £39 worth of books at once? Can your credit card stand it?

10 Power-Packed Promotion Strategies

Written by Terri Seymour

10 Power-Packed Promotion Strategies © 2003 Terri Seymour

There are many ways to creatively and affordably promote your online business. I have tried all ofrepparttar following and they worked very well for me.

Joint Ventures - Participating in joint ventures with fellow publishers can be a very profitable experience. This could be anything from a group pop under window to advertising each other's ezines in your welcome letter. I also know a lot of people have had some results with signature buddies, where you would swap ads, so to speak, in each other's email sigtag.

Writing Articles - Extremely effective method of building your reputation and your business. Writing articles is not hard, just stick with what you know and do not think you have to use big words to impress anyone. People are just looking for understandable articles with helpful info and useful resources. Write as if you were talking to a friend.

Submit your articles here:;;

Ad Swaps - Swapping ads, or running another publisher's ad in exchange for him/her running yours, is a very popular method of promotion. There are hundreds of thousands of ezines onrepparttar 108941 net and most ofrepparttar 108942 publishers are willing to swap ads. When writing to a fellow publisher, be sure to include a link to a sample issue of your ezine. Introduce yourself and let them know how you know about their ezine. Tell them about your ezine and suggest a possible swap. There are publishers who will even swap solo ads which is a great opportunity!

Discussion Lists - Participating in discussion groups can get you established as an expert in your field as well as build your reputation as one who is there when needed. This can bring you subscribers, customers and clients. Always follow each group's guidelines for posting and treat everyone with respect and courtesy.

Message Boards - Similar to discussion groups. Find a few quality boards and visit regularly. Participate and help whenever possible by offering your experience, advice, expertise or support. Always followrepparttar 108943 rules.

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