Buying A Treadmill? 3 Common Buying Myths

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

Buying a treadmill? A treadmill is a large investment to make in your health (but definitely a worthwhile one.) However with everyone and his dog getting intorepparttar treadmill manufacturing business, it pays for you to be educated when buying your unit.

Here are 3 common myths that many treadmill buyers fall prey to. Steer clear of these myths and you'll make a much better buying decision.

Myth #1) 'It has so many cool extra features, it's obviouslyrepparttar 143485 best buy.'

Not necessarily. While workout features like 30 workout programs, handweights and bonus workout CD's are great, they really don't tell you aboutrepparttar 143486 quality ofrepparttar 143487 treadmill itself. If you buy a lemon, you'll be using it for a clothes rack a year later - handweights or no handweights.

Some treadmill manufacturers (not all) offer you these extra features to try and hiderepparttar 143488 fact thatrepparttar 143489 essential factors of a quality treadmill aren’t there:

So what if it’s only a 1.5 HP motor – it comes with a free heart rate monitor! That 90 day only warranty doesn't matter – it gives you 30 workout programs!

FACT: Focus first onrepparttar 143490 core essentials of a quality treadmill (solid motor power, good cushioning, etc.) - then enjoyrepparttar 143491 goodies.

Myth #2) 'It has a 2.75 Peak Duty Motor - That's way better thanrepparttar 143492 other one with a 2.0 Continuous Duty Motor'

Some not-so-savory treadmill manufacturers will try to impress you withrepparttar 143493 peak duty motor power. Wow, you think, a 2.75 hp motor. However, what they fail to tell you that there are 2 measures of motor power: Peak Duty Horsepower AND Continuous Duty Horsepower.

Peak Duty Horsepower isrepparttar 143494 power potential ofrepparttar 143495 motor –repparttar 143496 highest power it can run at. Howeverrepparttar 143497 treadmill cannot sustain this power and it will soon start to overheat. So this measurement is essentially useless to you.

Continuous Duty Horsepower is a more accurate measure ofrepparttar 143498 motor power. This isrepparttar 143499 power at whichrepparttar 143500 treadmill can continually, steadily operate for 24 hours without slowing down. So this isrepparttar 143501 more accurate number to gage motor power.

Don't think this happens? One extremely popular treadmill is doing this right now and unfortunately people are buying it in droves because it seems like such a good buy. They don't realize thatrepparttar 143502 treadmill is really only a 1.5 Continuous duty HP motor - because it's advertised as a 2.75 peak duty HP motor.

Save Money on Treadmills by Avoiding Marketing Traps

Written by Aaron Co

There are lots of great marketing people inrepparttar treadmill industry today. Their job is to make you think that you needrepparttar 143364 features they’re offering whenrepparttar 143365 truth is, you really don’t. So what happens is you’ll spend more money than what you’re supposed to.

This guide aims to educate you on what these marketing traps are and why you should avoid them. And as a result, you’ll be able to save money on treadmills you’ll be buying.

Extended Warranties

Some treadmill sellers will offer extended warranties on their treadmills. If this isrepparttar 143366 case, I suggest you decline. Most quality treadmill companies cover their product long enough that there’s really no need for any extensions. Besides, this option would just cause you more headaches due to some dishonest warranty companies.

Program Choices

Another way to save money on treadmills is by choosing a machine with only a few built-in workout programs. Most people don’t really use these programs and if they do, they more often than not stick to just 1 or 2 programs. So buying a treadmill with tons of programmed workouts would be a total waste of money.

Heart Rate Straps

Since working out in your target heart rate offers numerous benefits, treadmill companies nowadays offer heart rate straps for an extra fee. If this was offered to you, always say “no”. Heart rate straps are very uncomfortable when running. So you’ll probably just try it once and never use it again.

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