Buyer Beware Business Opportunity Scams Abound

Written by Sylvie Minson

Most business opportunities are not worth investing a penny into.

The ones that are generally are called Franchises. The value in a franchise is that it comes withrepparttar branding already done for you. People will recognize a Subway or McDonalds no matter where you are, so you have a built in customer base.

Be it Amway, selling jewelry (and other products) on a party plan, vitamins that you have to invest in a ton of inventory to carry around, orrepparttar 104005 door to door knives scheme that costs $500 to join, each and every one of them makes their money offrepparttar 104006 people looking forrepparttar 104007 opportunity, not fromrepparttar 104008 products sold torepparttar 104009 average consumer.

Very few people ever make any money with these so-called 'business opportunities'. I've personally never met even one, though I've known many people who have gotten involved in these businesses. All of them spent more than they ever made back.

Seminars arerepparttar 104010 worst. Sometimes they call them boot camps. Come to our seminar and we'll show you how to make tons of cash.

The seminar costs a few hundred, at least, thenrepparttar 104011 plane tickets, hotel bookings and so on. When you get there they give you a bunch of hype to make you feel really good about making money.

Are You Ready To Strike Out On Your Own?

Written by Sylvie Minson

Do you love a challenge?

Do you feel that you must, becauserepparttar idea of not trying is infinitely worse thanrepparttar 104004 idea of trying and failing?

Can you affordrepparttar 104005 risk? Do you have either a good backup plan, or is your present situation such that you don't have real responsibilities (family, children, mortgage) to take care of?

If you do have these kinds of responsibilities does your plan allow you to continue in your present occupation untilrepparttar 104006 new venture takes off?

Are you willing to fall down (fail) and get right back up again, brush yourself off and move on, perhaps several times before ultimately reaching your goals?

Are you willing to spend many long hours - for six months or more - doing potentially thankless work with great enthusiasm forrepparttar 104007 potential it represents?

Are you flexible enough to change major parts of your perfectly laid out game plan onrepparttar 104008 fly if you need to?

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