Business Plan Competitions

Written by Laura Ciocan

The idea of a business plan competition first started inrepparttar 1980's atrepparttar 103542 initiative of some MBA students from Texas and has increasingly gained popularity. Such events happen yearly and rejoice a great affluence of contestants, which highly increases their competitiveness.


Organized by Universities

  • Babcock Elevator Pitch Competition - Wake Forest University
  • Enterprise Creation Competition - Ball State University
  • Moot Corp. Competition - University of Texas
  • Duke Start-Up Challenge - Duke University
  • IBK Capital Ivey Business Plan Competition - University of Western Ontario
  • OFC Venture Challenge - Clark Atlanta University
  • Venture Adventure - Colorado State University

Held by business organizations

  • Jungle Business Plan Challenge - Jungle Media Group
  • S.E.E.D. Business Plan Competition - TechKnowledge Point Corp.
  • Venture Bowl - National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Carrot Capital

You will wonder probably what exactly do these competitions consist of and where does their popularity come from?


Althoughrepparttar 103543 organizers and sponsors are usually universities, there are several business organizations that host business plan competitions.


Business plan competitions are student entrepreneur events. The contests are organized either for graduate or undergraduate students and it does not necessarily have to be MBA students. The contestants may be student scientists, engineers, MDs or other specialists who strive to create a viable business plan hoping to enter such competitions.

The popularity of such contests also reached some other layers: business plan competitions are also organized withrepparttar 103544 purpose of giving peoplerepparttar 103545 possibility of starting a business. Business plan competitions usually happen as intercollegiate events, but this contest formula has also been taken over by companies who want to facilitaterepparttar 103546 founding of new businesses.

It is alsorepparttar 103547 case of Ford Motor Company that sponsoredrepparttar 103548 Ford BEST (Building Entrepreneurial Success Today) Business Plan contest in association with SCORE "Counselors to America’s Small Business" and DiversityInc. The BEST Business Plan contest took place inrepparttar 103549 winter of 2004 and addressed all U.S. citizens over 18. Allrepparttar 103550 submitted business plans were judged by an advisory panel from SCORE.

Seven Preparations for Writing a Business Plan

Written by Gerry McRae

Writing a business plan is a daunting task. If you do not know that by now, you will discover that soon after you have read your first set of instructions for writing a plan. While each of these preparations will require much of your time and efforts, they will help to makerepparttar writing of your business plan easier.

Writing your own plan is best because you probably have superior knowledge of your product, your target market and your own capabilities. Eventually, when you are required to defend your plan, you will be better informed of its contents and its rationale. If you engage someone else to write your business plan, you will still have to supply much ofrepparttar 103541 following information anyway.

1. Enter an outline in your wordprocessor. You can copy excerpts from books, online searches or pamphlets from government agencies. Finding appropriate content for your venture could take quite a bit of time. It's a good start for overcoming inertia, it provides places to record information as it is gathered and your outline can become your planning and control file.

2. Begin collecting contact details for all your references: data sources, business plan writing instructions, resource persons, online sites, libraries, bookstores, etc. The more --repparttar 103542 better. Exercise caution if you think your idea is hot for a local and limited market. Reveal your concept and your research only to a trusted few. Someone with similar attributes and skills with access to more money could beat you to an exclusive market share. In my business classes there was always, at least, one student accepting my offer to submitrepparttar 103543 weekly submissions in a plain kraft envelope.

3. Establish formats and content for appendices such as floor plans, schedules and product details that could be time consuming to gather into an appropriate presentation.

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