Business Name - How to Choose One

Written by Alan Fairweather

It's very important to get your business name right. You may already have a business name but it's not too late to change it. Let's face it; big organisations change their business and product names allrepparttar time.

I named my business Fairweather Associates when I started in 1993. However, when I attended networking events with my name badge on my lapel, people would ask - "Are you lawyers or accountants or architects?" They would come up with everything except what I actually did, which was Professional Speaking and Consulting.

I've retained Fairweather Associates for my business bank account; however, I'm much better know as -

Here are some things to think about when choosing your business name:

#1 Make it easy to remember - I met a lady from a graphic design business called - "Shout" - I'll always remember that on.

#2 Make it easy to pronounce. People feel uncomfortable if they phone you and pronounce your name incorrectly.

#3 Make it easy to spell

#4 Stirrepparttar 103104 customer's interest - make them want to ask more - Jonesrepparttar 103105 Plumbers doesn't exactly do it. I met someone from - "Dynamic Plumbers" I had to ask - "What makes you "Dynamic"

Check Cashing in 2005

Written by John Harte

Check Cashing in 2005

By John Harte

Back in 1996 I got into check cashing and started with one store. Our filing system for customers was a 3 x 5 index file card, which I alphabetically filed in a large cabinet. As time went on,repparttar file grew to over 4,000 cards. It was getting to be a chore to take out cards when I did not know a customer or a maker. Updating these cards became increasingly difficult if one of my employees took out a card and did not putrepparttar 103103 customer card back in alphabetical order. Around 1999 I purchased a POS system for 2 stores. The system had check scanners for each teller, which readrepparttar 103104 MICR line only on a check. It also keptrepparttar 103105 customer’s file in alphabetical order with their picture and transaction history. Let me tell you, it wasrepparttar 103106 best money that I ever spent. My employees loved it. Not realizing atrepparttar 103107 time,repparttar 103108 Patriot Act which took affect in 2001, my POS system made me compliant withrepparttar 103109 Act. Many check cashers today don’t understandrepparttar 103110 Patriot Act and how it affects their business.

Today I work for Family Financial Centers which is a franchise check cashing / payday loan company. I sold my stores in 2004 because I wanted a change fromrepparttar 103111 daily grind of running 3 stores 6 days per week. One of my first projects with Family Financial Centers was to select a POS system. Since I used a POS system for 5 years, I felt very comfortable picking out a system. Some ofrepparttar 103112 features that I was looking for in a POS system was check scanning ability, customer file with picture, and many other bells and whistles. But more important was having a system that will work with multiple stores and deal with compliance issues. I spent almost 3 weeks looking at POS systems that deal with check cashing and payday loan in one system. It is clear to me thatrepparttar 103113 Answer’s Etc. isrepparttar 103114 best. This company offers a great POS system that I recommend to anyone who is looking for a POS system for this industry.

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