Business Marketing Strategy

Written by Joy Gendusa

What is it and who needs one?

The term business marketing strategy might sound like it is esoteric or stratospheric, so let’s takerepparttar mystery out of it so you can devise and implement your own business marketing strategy that fits in to your small business plan.

Strategy comes from a Greek word “stratagein” meaning “to be a general”. Think of a strategy as an overall plan of action needed to win a war. The smaller, detailed actions are called tactics. You can have tactical plans which help you achieve your strategic marketing plan or overall business marketing strategy. That’s simple enough, isn’t it?

A business marketing strategy or strategic marketing plan is an overall plan of marketing actions you intend to take in order to accomplish a specific goal for your company.

Start with a goal: $2 million in sales this year; expand into new premises by a certain date; doublerepparttar 144305 size ofrepparttar 144306 company in 2 years… whateverrepparttar 144307 goal may be. Something realistic but challenging. That'srepparttar 144308 "war" you want to win. Guess whorepparttar 144309 general is.

Then work out a simple, overall plan ofrepparttar 144310 major marketing steps needed to accomplish that (for example):

1. Publish a newsletter for all existing customers and mail out quarterly.

2. Work out 4 special offers inrepparttar 144311 year and promote them to all our customers.

3. Set up on-line shopping and expandrepparttar 144312 web site.

4. Direct mail campaign promotingrepparttar 144313 web site to all customers.

5. Get mailing lists of (target markets) and do a series of 3 mailings of postcards to them and follow up on and close all leads.

6. Etc.

You getrepparttar 144314 idea. Don’t rush this. Do your homework. What worked inrepparttar 144315 past? Read up on successful marketing campaigns. Your business marketing strategy needs to be laid out inrepparttar 144316 right sequence and you should have some idea of budget when you write it. “Run a series of 30 second TV ads duringrepparttar 144317 Superbowl” might sound like a good thing to do but can you afford it? Onrepparttar 144318 other hand, when you build your business marketing strategy you mustn’t try and cut corners. If you don’t promote heavily, it doesn’t matter how good your product or service is, no one will know about it and you will go broke. What really works when it comes to marketing?

Many business owners don't have a good enough answer to this important question. I learned by a combination of study and trial and error.

From my own hard won experienceI have discovered that a real marketing campaign will take into consideration at leastrepparttar 144319 seven points which are outlined below:

1. Target Your Market

Your marketing will producerepparttar 144320 best results forrepparttar 144321 lowest cost when you target prospects withrepparttar 144322 greatest need for what you offer.

Identifyrepparttar 144323 best people to send your postcards to. Design your postcards to appeal to their greatest need.

If you are able to break down your target market into sub markets you can then write postcards that specifically speak torepparttar 144324 needs of those people (an example is breaking down your own customer list into customers who buy most often, customers who spendrepparttar 144325 most money with you, customers who have been your customersrepparttar 144326 longest and then making them special offers based onrepparttar 144327 category they fit into).

Six Ways To Profit From Public Domain Information

Written by Mark Tse

Ever wondered why Walt Disney never got sued for intellectual property theft?

C’mon,repparttar guy ripped off so many Hans Christian Anderson and Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales! And he never paidrepparttar 144304 said authors any royalty fees! Granted that they’re dead, but shouldn’t their families be entitled to proceeds from their works? Such would be a small price to pay, consideringrepparttar 144305 accumulated wealth of Walt Disney’s billion dollar enterprise.

But alas, Mr. Walt Disney, you see, is a marketing genius. He knew how to exploitrepparttar 144306 allowable usage of public domain information, and he built for himself an empire inrepparttar 144307 process.

And if Walt Disney can do it, so can you! After all, we all have access to public domain information. We don’t even need a touch of that famous Disney magic. We just have to weave our own creative spin on things.

But first,repparttar 144308 basics…

Public domain information is defined as any body of creative works and other knowledge that is not protected by US copyright laws. Copyright protection needs further verification, but by force of statute, works done prior to 1923 are public domain information. The law also includes works done prior to 1978, for as long asrepparttar 144309 life ofrepparttar 144310 author plus seventy years does not exceedrepparttar 144311 current year.

The term “body of creative works and other knowledge” includes literary works, music, movies, artworks, scientific ideas, and inventions, just to name a few. So, quite literally, public domain information is an ocean of many promises and splendid discoveries for anyone who would decide to dip their feet in its inviting waters.

And public domain information is free. Everything that you’ll earn from it is net profit!

Walt Disney made good use of public domain information by making updating old classics into movies forrepparttar 144312 new, during his time at least, generation. That wasrepparttar 144313 creative spin he used to market works that are quite archaic to make them seem new and fresh. He found his audience, and he made his fortunes. There’s no reason why you can’t do it.

Ah, budget constraints you say. But we are internet marketers, dear friend. That’srepparttar 144314 beauty ofrepparttar 144315 web, you see. Seldom do we have to spend a substantial amount to invest on something. Many avenues are available for us to make good use of free public domain information!

Here are some ways to use public domain information. They would surely earn you significant gains!

1. Republish old literary works as e-books. The classics you see in bookstores are prime examples of earning from public domain information. The publishers did not have to buyrepparttar 144316 rights forrepparttar 144317 books they have decided to distribute. You could dorepparttar 144318 same with e-books. Search your local library for old works, and scan them. Convertrepparttar 144319 images to text with a text bridge program, edit errors, package them nice in .pdf format, and you’re all set to market a royalties-free product!

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