
Written by Chi Lau

TIRED OF LISTENING TO FAKERS AND BIG MOUTHS? Maybe it’s time to getrepparttar real scoop on how to make money onrepparttar 104738 Internet from someone who does it every day. If you want to learn what it really takes to succeed, and exactly what you

Linking Purpose To Everyday Behaviors

Written by Pat Wilkund

How do you know what'srepparttar best use of your time right now?

Link your daily behavior to your purpose.

You'll make better choices and seerepparttar 104737 value in seemingly insignificant or trivial tasks. It keeps you focused on doing what needs to be done to get what you say you want.

It's one thing to say what you want, to choose projects that will get you what you want, and set goals that will achieve those projects. But, you still have to dorepparttar 104738 work. You still have to payrepparttar 104739 price by just doing it.

Linking your purpose to your daily behaviors underlinesrepparttar 104740 responsibility andrepparttar 104741 discipline you need to complete your projects.

Having an overall objective and doing what needs to be done gets priority. You can make your choices about what you are doing consciously, knowing that every little bit helps.

For example, one of your projects in support of your purpose of a successful one-person business may be getting a web site to promote your business.

Choosing to bring your lunch rather than spending eight dollars atrepparttar 104742 café every day is obviouslyrepparttar 104743 right choice. By doingrepparttar 104744 math, you quickly see you'll save about $150 a month on lunch. Putting that money aside will get you your new web site that much faster.

It'srepparttar 104745 little things done consistently and persistently that makerepparttar 104746 huge difference in achieving our projects, whatever our projects are.

Even with marketing and sales. New behavioral research has shown smaller tasks done more often are more effective in reaching your goals than larger projects done less frequently. Even if a larger project puts you in front of more people, it still isn't as effective as more frequent, smaller contacts.

Build in momentum sustainers. If you're like most people you start out a new project enthusiastically, and then lose track of it inrepparttar 104747 bustle of all your other obligations.

By building in appointments with people to check in with, and appointments with yourself for review, you force yourself to be accountable. You might want to set up weekly goals for yourself, or make an agreement to accomplish specific tasks by your next check in date.

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