Bush's Brain is Leaking

Written by Scott C. Smith

In a surprising move, Republicans acrossrepparttar United States this week demanded that President Bush and Karl Rove explain torepparttar 150535 American people just how Karl Rove was involved inrepparttar 150536 leak ofrepparttar 150537 name of a CIA agent, Valerie Plame, torepparttar 150538 media in 2003.

Oh wait, sorry, that’s not right. Republicans are not demanding an investigation. Instead, they’ve covered Karl Rove in a warm blanket of spin in an effort to deflect attention away Rove. Does it matter that White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said at a September 29, 2003 press briefing that it was a “ridiculous” idea to suggest that Karl Rove was involved inrepparttar 150539 leak of Plame’s name because McClellan had spoken to Rove about it? Nah, of course it doesn’t. Sure, someone was lying in 2003, since we now know that Rove was involved.

I don’t understand some conservatives. They can attack Bill Clinton for his supposed lack of morals because of his affair with Monica Lewinsky, yet they lookedrepparttar 150540 other way when it was revealed that former Speaker of The House Newt Gingrich had been involved in a six-year-long affair with one of his staff members. Drug addicts should be thrown in jail, but drug addict Rush Limbaugh needs our sympathy. William Bennett, a conservative advocate of morality and author of The Book of Virtues, turns out to be quiterepparttar 150541 gambler. I’m pretty sure gambling is a vice. But hey, there’s nothing wrong withrepparttar 150542 morality czar gambling! Gambling is legal. So leave Bill Bennett alone!

I think if George W. Bush volunteered at an abortion clinic for a week, his right-wing defenders would find a way to come to his defense: “He didn’t actually perform any abortions! Leave him alone! This is just another tactic by liberals to bashrepparttar 150543 President!” I wonder, at what point did conservatives abandonrepparttar 150544 ideals of ethics and morality?

One ofrepparttar 150545 talking points about Karl Rove is that he didn’t do anything illegal. Okay, maybe that’s true, but does it make it right? Should a top Bush administration official mention that a particular individual works forrepparttar 150546 CIA? When you say “So-and-so’s wife” it’s not that hard to figure out who that person is.

George Bush, while not perhapsrepparttar 150547 most honest person inrepparttar 150548 world, is protective of his inner circle torepparttar 150549 point that he seems to lookrepparttar 150550 other way in matters like Karl Rove’s involvement inrepparttar 150551 Plame case. Bush is sticking by his man, asrepparttar 150552 White House avoids commenting on any aspect ofrepparttar 150553 Plame case. But back in 2003,repparttar 150554 White House was very forthcoming aboutrepparttar 150555 case whenrepparttar 150556 press asked about it. CNN reported on February 11, 2004, Bush’s response to questioning aboutrepparttar 150557 leak: “If there's a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is…ifrepparttar 150558 person has violated law, that person will be taken care of…I welcomerepparttar 150559 investigation. I am absolutely confidentrepparttar 150560 Justice Department will do a good job…I want to knowrepparttar 150561 truth. Leaks of classified information are bad things.”

National ID cards have more than Australians concerned

Written by Kenn Gividen (HillarysVillage.com)


Fearful that terrorists will next target Australia, Prime Minister John Howard brokerepparttar silence this week. He reopenedrepparttar 150191 debate on issuing mandated national ID cards.

Those who live topside and think that internal political decisions made down under will have little bearing on our lives, should think again.

A national ID system in Australia will do more than raid that nation of personal liberty. It will set a precedent to be followed byrepparttar 150192 rest ofrepparttar 150193 world.

So what'srepparttar 150194 big deal?

Oncerepparttar 150195 national ID card is adopted in Australia, its effectiveness in curbing terrorism, illegal immigration and host of other social ills will be realized. That will make for an easy sell to Americans, Europeans and others weary of what ails society. The national ID will be seen as a quick fix.

The logical progression will lead to an international interlink between nations. An international ID card will be established. Then, to thwart card theft,repparttar 150196 business-card sized documents will be replaced with permanent IDs: computer chips implanted inrepparttar 150197 hand (for convenience) andrepparttar 150198 forehead (for permanence).

Once established, implanted IDs will lend themselves for other conveniences, such as biotechnical debit cards and health histories.

So long to liberty

Implanted IDs will be effective. They will do wonders to end terrorism, tax evasion, kidnapping, money laundering and even purse snatching. Withrepparttar 150199 exception ofrepparttar 150200 cumbersome act of bartering, implanted IDs will be required for commerce of any kind. No ID implant? No buying and no selling.

While international IDs will provide a panache of benifits, they will also end personal liberty as we know it. And that, many believe, will be a fair exchange.

End of national sovereignty

The move toward internationalism is not new. What is new is a report issued recently byrepparttar 150201 Council on Foreign Relations. Like John Howard's quest to fend off terrorism,repparttar 150202 CFR says terrorism can be held at bay ifrepparttar 150203 Americas will form a coalition similar torepparttar 150204 European Union.

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