Bullseye Interviewing

Written by Tamara Jong

Bullseye Interviewing

-By Tamara Jong

An interview is much like a blind date. You have sweaty palms, heart palpitations, shaky nerves and a preconceived notion of what could happen. The perfect scenario unfolds in your mind, where you are calm, cool and collected, dressed smartly, totally in control, enthusiastically meetingrepparttar other person’s gaze and brimming with confidence. However, that idea has begun to unravel, because as of right now, you are LATE, because you got lost, forgot your resume, wore a shirt that is making you sweat and have pulled a muscle breaking in new shoes. As you are being led torepparttar 122953 boardroom, you’re informed that your possible Superiors will be sitting in. Panic sets in withrepparttar 122954 realization that this blind date is over before it even begun.

What is needed therefore, is a realistic and proactive approach. If you’re a mere mortal likerepparttar 122955 rest of us, then you do get nervous about a job interview. If we could accurately predictrepparttar 122956 outcome of this situation, life would definitely be easier to plan. While we can’t accurately controlrepparttar 122957 results, we can bank our odds if we keeprepparttar 122958 pointers below in mind.

Basic Combat:

Wardrobe: Do your homework. Find out whatrepparttar 122959 corporate culture is. Check outrepparttar 122960 company’s website onrepparttar 122961 net. Go torepparttar 122962 media area and find out what type of functions they attend or sponsor. Isrepparttar 122963 work environment business casual or corporate? Wear what is considered acceptable attire and meet that standard. Make sure your wardrobe is clean, odor free and neatly pressed.

Research: While this may not berepparttar 122964 only job you’ve applied for, read information onrepparttar 122965 company involved. Understand whatrepparttar 122966 position entails in detail. Keep a copy ofrepparttar 122967 posting for yourself. Know your own resume inside out and be able to explain examples of your work and how it fits into their job description. Take downrepparttar 122968 name ofrepparttar 122969 person you’ll be seeing, how to spell and pronounce their name and note (or ask) if it’s a Mr., Mrs. Ms. (Yes, this is important). Although you can’t rehearserepparttar 122970 exact answers when you don’t knowrepparttar 122971 questions you’ll face, it’s possible to find out whatrepparttar 122972 latest interview trends are on Career sites or in your local bookstore.

The Adventure Attitude

Written by Cheryl Perlitz

Ofrepparttar 60,000 people who lived to be over 100 inrepparttar 122952 United States in 2002,repparttar 122953 single most important characteristic they had in common was their ability to be positive inrepparttar 122954 face of change.

They were able to look at things objectively, put them in perspective and move on. They didn’t try to controlrepparttar 122955 uncontrollable. Surviving, thriving and living a long happy healthy life may just depend on your ability to developrepparttar 122956 Adventure Attitude.

The adventure attitude is about takingrepparttar 122957 challenges in your life and makingrepparttar 122958 choice to look at them as an adventure. As a mountain climber, I see mountains as powerful, awesome, and majestic wonders of nature, that beckon us to acceptrepparttar 122959 challenge ofrepparttar 122960 climb. Climbingrepparttar 122961 mountain is about trying new things, seeking new adventure, and expanding your life. The adventure attitude allows us to climb our personal mountains with positive attitude, energy and creativity. It allows us to see possibilities inrepparttar 122962 impossible, find solutions to problems, and send us in a new direction.


BEING POSITIVE IN THE FACE OF THE NEGATIVE. We can choose to see our glass half empty or half full. We can look at setbacks with a sense of wonder instead of a sense of scorn and try to see whererepparttar 122963 new path will lead us.

LIVING IN THE MOMENT WITH PASSION AND ENERGY. In mountain climbing focusing onrepparttar 122964 path we are taking step by step allows us to notice allrepparttar 122965 small things we encounter alongrepparttar 122966 way. If we slow down and appreciate each moment, each moment has more meaning. It allows us to live life torepparttar 122967 fullest.

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