Building the Mind's Framework for Success

Written by Joel S. Nelson

Man isrepparttar most advanced being on this earth. We arerepparttar 129165 dominant species for one particular reason; our ability to think! Although we have virtually unlimited ability to use our minds effectively,repparttar 129166 vast majority of us do not really userepparttar 129167 extraordinary powers ofrepparttar 129168 mind for own advantage. Too many of us are slaves of our reactionary minds instead of masters of our proactive, creative minds.

We have a unique ability to use our minds for wonderful creation if we take just a little time to learn how. Think of this short article as a framework, or a foundation to build your success around. I'm not so concerned withrepparttar 129169 nitty-gritty science behindrepparttar 129170 powers ofrepparttar 129171 mind; I'm interested inrepparttar 129172 practical application! However, some brief notes onrepparttar 129173 workings ofrepparttar 129174 mind can be helpful.

Our mind is divisible into two major parts:repparttar 129175 conscious andrepparttar 129176 subconscious. You could say thatrepparttar 129177 conscious mind isrepparttar 129178 master ofrepparttar 129179 subconscious. However,repparttar 129180 subconscious hasrepparttar 129181 real power because it isrepparttar 129182 subconscious which initiates change in our lives.

But in order to affectrepparttar 129183 subconscious mind so that it triggers positive changes in our life, we must learn how to controlrepparttar 129184 sub-conscious. How is this done? By directingrepparttar 129185 conscious mind to guiderepparttar 129186 subconscious.

Confused? If so, bear with me for one moment. By using our conscious mind to fixate on a certain thought,repparttar 129187 subconscious mind takes it as instruction and proceeds to manifest that thought in our lives. Sounds simple right?

Think of a farmer with a field ready to plant. The decision on what to plant (sow) is likerepparttar 129188 conscious mind. The field on whichrepparttar 129189 plant will grow is likerepparttar 129190 subconscious. Whateverrepparttar 129191 farmer decides to sow (conscious),repparttar 129192 field will grow (subconscious). Ifrepparttar 129193 farmer sows grains of wheat, he will reap wheat in due course. Ifrepparttar 129194 farmer sows kernels of corn, he will eventually reap ears of corn. This isrepparttar 129195 manner in which our minds work too.

The problem is thatrepparttar 129196 subconscious mind does not differentiate between positive and negative thoughts. It will act on any command handed down byrepparttar 129197 conscious mind. That's why I always say "Sow a POSITIVE thought," not just "Sow a thought."

If we sow negative thoughts in our minds, we will reap negative rewards (consequences) in our lives. If we sow positive thoughts in our minds, we will reap positive rewards (successes) instead.

The Power of Mind-Imagery

Written by Joel S. Nelson

Today I feel inspired that I should speak more torepparttar framework of a successful mindset. We've already discussed how to ignore negative thoughts and encourage positive thoughts by monitoring what we allow to dwell in our minds. We've also talked aboutrepparttar 129162 power of affirmations in changing our inner-talk to things we want in our lives. Today I think we should focus on how to use vivid imagery to obtainrepparttar 129163 things of our heart's desire. I call this "Mind-Imagery."

Olympic champions and other high-performing athletes understandrepparttar 129164 power ofrepparttar 129165 mind andrepparttar 129166 power of mind-imagery. They incorporate training forrepparttar 129167 mind as a part of their daily training regimen. Not only do they have strength-coaches and technique coaches, but they have mind-coaches as well.

These athletes picture themselves makingrepparttar 129168 throw, hurdle, move, stroke, etc. that brings themrepparttar 129169 Gold, and they truly believe that before they start a competition, they've already won it. In our last article, I spoke about Muhammed Ali and his use of affirmations. The reason athletes use mind-imagery is because they know that whatrepparttar 129170 mind believes,repparttar 129171 body achieves.

So if world-class athletes are using these techniques to succeed in their professions, why not us to succeed in ours? Let's talk about how we can use mind-imagery in our lives. It's important to note thatrepparttar 129172 subconscious mind does not understandrepparttar 129173 difference between reality and imagination. What this really means is that we can showrepparttar 129174 subconscious mind pictures of what we want to be our reality andrepparttar 129175 subconscious mind will achieve it.

If you are like me and millions of others, using mind-imagery may be hard for you. I've heard thatrepparttar 129176 average person inrepparttar 129177 US watches more than six hours of television a day! Incredible isn't it?! But in light of that knowledge, it's not so incredible to see that many of us have lost our imaginative abilities. Granted, we may not have had many to start with, but with so many things to watch on TV and inrepparttar 129178 movie theaters, we no longer are required to use our imaginations at all.

Becauserepparttar 129179 pictures we show our mind are so important, it's no surprise to me that so many of us have trouble programming our minds for success. Only 4% of US citizens are truly financially free at retirement age! We have lostrepparttar 129180 ability to imagine ourselves achieving goals and being truly successful inrepparttar 129181 ways we desire.

Becauserepparttar 129182 subconscious mind uses pictures to manifest what we want, we need to learn to re-program our minds by learning to use our imagination again.

Let's start this by taking another look atrepparttar 129183 goals we have in our lives. We need to showrepparttar 129184 mind what it is that we want. What is it that we truly desire? Spend a few quiet moments meditating and imagining what those things would look like. If it is a dream home you desire, think about howrepparttar 129185 rooms are laid out and decorated. If it is a dream job, think about how your office will look, what you will wear, andrepparttar 129186 awards on your wall. Make a mental note of these images because we will be using them from now on.

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