"Building Your "Pitch"

Written by Shonda Ponder

The first thing that any potential customer, buyer, listener or recruit will look at isrepparttar quality ofrepparttar 117550 message. So, when you start thinking of promoting your product, idea, thought or service or message, you have to think about how attractive that message is torepparttar 117551 general public.

Q: What isrepparttar 117552 first thing you look for when you go to an advertiser's site? A: Information.

That's right: information. Whether it be information aboutrepparttar 117553 product or information aboutrepparttar 117554 producer, either way, you are looking for information. So, naturally, before that advertiser ever sent out that advertisement, he had to make sure thatrepparttar 117555 information was there for you to follow through with if he hoped to make a sale.

This means, in plain english, if you have a message to your customers that you want them to follow through with, you have to tell them whatrepparttar 117556 message is in simple terms. And then, if you wantrepparttar 117557 listener or reader to do something with that message, you have to explain it to them so that it is easy for them to understand and follow through with.

After all, what happens when you get to that advertiser's site andrepparttar 117558 product is not there? Suppose you see a picture ofrepparttar 117559 product, but no information about how to purchase it? Would you buy it upon looking at first glance? In your busy day, would you look aroundrepparttar 117560 website for a few minutes to try to figure out how to purchase it? Would you find an email address and write torepparttar 117561 advertiser and ask? Most people would not. Most potential customers would simply go torepparttar 117562 next site orrepparttar 117563 next email if what they see from a first impression is not what they expect.

Suppose thatrepparttar 117564 message WAS there? Suppose you sawrepparttar 117565 product, and you read about how great that product was and what it could do. Then, suppose you were really hyped up about that product, but could find no information about what to do in order to get that product for yourself. The advertiser just lost a sale. In about three or four weeks, you will go to your local shopping center and then you may see that product. Chances are, you will buy that product from them. But,repparttar 117566 advertiser who soldrepparttar 117567 product to you will get nothing to supportrepparttar 117568 advertising dollars that they spent telling you aboutrepparttar 117569 product.

If you own your own web site, and you spend quite a bit of time maintainingrepparttar 117570 information on that website, then you understandrepparttar 117571 frustration that comes with telling someone about a great book and having them buy it from another bookstore rather than you, so you can support your work. That's why making sure you give your potential recruitsrepparttar 117572 information they need is important. Most people, by nature, want to support something they believe in. If you don't offer them a way to do that, they won't.

Sorepparttar 117573 best way to get your message out is not only to have a message, but to be able to present that message in as simple of terms as possible, so thatrepparttar 117574 potential recruits have only minimal work to do for themselves in order to follow through.

Sheep Spend and Lose, Leaders Make Money

Written by Sopan Greene

Remember that leaders spend more money on learning and growing, but they do their homework and work hard to make money.

Sheep followrepparttar herd blindly with their wallets open hoping someone else will will do their work for them. Jumping intorepparttar 117549 newest multi-level marketing program will drain your wallet and your faith in humanity.

You're checking out internet marketing? Great! Just be sure to market what you're passionate about so you don't bail offrepparttar 117550 ship atrepparttar 117551 first sign of crashing waves and high winds. There will be obstacles andrepparttar 117552 way to go through them is to be putting your time, energy and money into work you're passionate about.

Be smart. Don't join any program that hasn't been around and proven itself. There are a lot of programs popping up that look like you can join and make a lot of money fromrepparttar 117553 "spill factor." It's a myth. I've been onrepparttar 117554 receiving end of that one and saw many others there with me. I even created a lot of spill and saw it go away a few months later.

Yes, you can make money from getting "spill," butrepparttar 117555 people who really benefit arerepparttar 117556 ones CREATINGrepparttar 117557 spill. Notrepparttar 117558 receiversofrepparttar 117559 spill. Like everything in life,repparttar 117560 fruits go to those who providerepparttar 117561 labor.

Would you rather receiverepparttar 117562 benefits of being Bill Gates who created Microsoft or receiverepparttar 117563 benefits of getting welfare because you signed up forrepparttar 117564 program and chose not to work? (Which isrepparttar 117565 same as signing up for a multi-level program that you don't do any work on building yourself). Forgetrepparttar 117566 money, which one is more satisfying to your soul?

Nothing against these programs, as with everything, 20% ofrepparttar 117567 people involved make 80% ofrepparttar 117568 money. That's true in every industry and yes, some people make a lot of money, but they work their butts off to get there. They deserverepparttar 117569 money they EARN.

If you're looking for a free ride, it aint gonna happen my friend. It takes commitment and a good work ethic to produce results no matter what you're doing.

A big problem with these programs is that almost everyone who jumps in is hoping to pay some cash inrepparttar 117570 hopes of cashing out like they bought a lottery ticket.

Business opportunities aren't lottery tickets. I know this flies againstrepparttar 117571 lack of common sense used byrepparttar 117572 "biz op seeking herd of sheep," but it'srepparttar 117573 flat out truth. Do you know of ANY business that generated a lot of money without someone or many someones putting in hard work?

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