Building Your First Web Site?

Written by TQ

Creating your own site can be a satisfying experience. Here are some tips to help get you up and running.

Before doing anything onrepparttar technical side, you need some kind of basic idea to work with. I suggest first getting some paper and a pencil. Start by sketching a layout of how you would like your web page to appear. For example, a simple title atrepparttar 132329 top,repparttar 132330 area in which you would like any content, pictures and so on. Now its time to do some programing!

Don't letrepparttar 132331 word programing scare you. Anyone can learn and there are several sites that offer free tutorials. One such site is Although it is not necessary to be a top notch programer to build and operate your web site, you should learnrepparttar 132332 basics of html. I recommend that you thoroughly learn about tables. They are widely used and with them, you can create a professional looking layout (even as a beginner).

You can use any basic text editor, like notepad, to write, edit, and save your code (html). When saving your work forrepparttar 132333 first time, choose Text Document for type of file, then save withrepparttar 132334 extension htm (for example index.htm). Your home page (the first page people usually see) is normally saved as index.htm. To see how your page looks, double click onrepparttar 132335 file and it should automatically open up in your browser.

Now that you've got your web page ready to go, it's time to find a host (a place for your web page to live). Since this is your first site, I suggest you use Free Web Hosting. Some host will put advertising, such as banners, on your site asrepparttar 132336 cost of free hosting. Others won't but only charge you to register your Domain Name ( Be careful not to accidentally sign up for extras such as url protection, spam control, etc. (unless you feel you need them) as they will add to your cost. These sites will have a limit on bandwidth (how much data that can be transmitted per month), email accounts, and maybe a few other things, but are still great for first timers. If later on you feel you need more, then you usually can upgrade. To find a host, just use any search engine andrepparttar 132337 keyword phrase Free Web Hosting.

The proper way to use the robots.txt file

Written by Jimmy Whisenhunt

When optimizing your web site most webmasters don’t consider usingrepparttar robots.txt file. This is a very important file for your site. It letrepparttar 132328 spiders and crawlers know what they can and can not index. This is helpful in keeping them out of folders that you do not want index likerepparttar 132329 admin or stats folder or content that they can not index.

Here is a list of variables that you can include in a robots.txt file and there meaning:

1)User-agent: In this field you can specify a specific robot to describe access policy for or a “*” for all robots more explained in example. 2)Disallow: Inrepparttar 132330 field you specifyrepparttar 132331 files and folders not to include inrepparttar 132332 crawl. 3)#repparttar 132333 number sign represents comments

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