Building Your Child's Honest and Fairness

Written by Anil Vij

Honesty and Fairness

Simply put, honesty means being truthful with ourselves and with others. It means caring enough about others not to mislead them for personal benefit. It means facing up to our mistakes, even when we have to admit them to others or when they may get us into trouble. Fairness means acting in a just way and making decisions, specially important ones, onrepparttar basis of evidence rather than prejudice. It means "playing byrepparttar 110214 rules" and standing up forrepparttar 110215 right of everyone to be treated equally and honestly.

To understandrepparttar 110216 importance of being honest and fair, children need to learn that living together in a family, community or even a nation depends on mutual trust. Without honesty and fairness, trusting each other becomes very difficult, and families--and societies--fall apart.

Words of caution:

There is a big difference between being dishonest--lying or cheating-- and "making things up," as children often do in fantasy play. If children are taught that not tellingrepparttar 110217 truth is "a bad thing," some young children might assume that it is also a bad thing to pretend to be a princess or an astronaut. Although you should discourage your child from deliberately lying and cheating, you should also let him know that it is fine to role play and pretend.

How Develop Your Child's Good Judgement

Written by Anil Vij

Good Judgement

Children develop strong character by learning to think about and make sound judgments about what is right or wrong, good or bad. These are not always easy distinctions for adults to make, much less children.

For example, it can be difficult for a child to recognizerepparttar difference between acting bravely and acting recklessly. As parents, we can help by showing, through what we do as well as what we say, that it is importantin such situations to think carefully and honestly about what should bedone, carefully weighing how others will be affected by what we do.

Sometimes we get into trouble because we "just didn't think." We let our emotions lead us to actions that we regret later. Making good judgments requires skills in monitoring impulses, using reasoning to sort throughfeelings and facts, and thinking aboutrepparttar 110213 consequences of our actions.

Your child's ability to think and make sound judgments will improve as she matures. With age, however, it also may become easier for her to try to justify and make excuses for selfish or reckless behavior. However, if you have helped her develop strong habits of honesty, courage, responsibilit and self-respect, your child will haverepparttar 110214 ability to seerepparttar 110215 flaws in erreasoning and be able to come torepparttar 110216 right conclusion about what to do.

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