Building Shareholder Value Through Your People

Written by Martin Haworth

By using your best asset, your people, really well, it helps you and your shareholders benefit. Your people have wonderful skills and leveraging this is what makes good businesses truly great.

Increasing shareholder value is the most important driver for organisations inrepparttar modern business world. Shareholder value is built through growing profit and building confidence inrepparttar 102942 organisation, which moves share prices upwards. Shareholders like this!

Andrepparttar 102943 employees of an organisation have a crucial part to play in both elements of this.

They contribute to sales by selling more, both to new and old customers. They buildrepparttar 102944 customer base by word of mouth from existing customers. New customers are pre-filtered because your existing customers tell them exactly what you do, so more customer interactions are converted, with less wasted time. This means that your costs are kept down.

A New Approach To Site Promotion

Written by (c) 2005 by Andrew J. Morris

A New Approach To Site Promotion

(c) 2005 by Andrew J. Morris

I have a bad habit of designing great websites, then letting them flounder for lack of promotion. It's not that I don't know how to promote a site, I just don't like doing it. I'd rather work on my next site than takerepparttar time to promote an existing one.

I don't think I'm alone in this. There are lots of sites that promise to dorepparttar 102941 promotion for you, so they must be targeting people like me. But most of those sites take a big fee to do one type of promotion, and we all know diversity isrepparttar 102942 key to reaching a wide audience.

But I also suspect there are folks out there justrepparttar 102943 opposite. People who love to promote, but haterepparttar 102944 day to day grind of content creation. Obviously, a partnership is called for -- but matching uprepparttar 102945 builders with promoters seems a daunting task.

In any partnership there are issues of trust, compensation, accountability, and expectations. Working such a relationship overrepparttar 102946 Internet makes it even harder. I'll be first to admit there is no perfect solution, but I think I have found a very good approach, which overcomes most ofrepparttar 102947 problems inherent in partner relationships.

I plan on using Google Adsense to reward my promoting-partner -- let's see how it works:

Google Adsense Program

Google lets webmasters earn money by placing ads on their websites. Google charges advertisers, matches ads torepparttar 102948 content ofrepparttar 102949 pagerepparttar 102950 ad appears on, and paysrepparttar 102951 webmaster for each clickrepparttar 102952 ad receives. Naturally, they charge advertisers more than they pay webmasters, so Google makes a profit,repparttar 102953 webmaster earns money andrepparttar 102954 advertisers get targeted traffic - a win-win-win situation.

The Partner Agreement

So I have a new website that I think fills a niche and provides a service or product. I need someone to promote that site for me, because I'm just not good at doing things I don't enjoy.

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