Building Relationships for your Business By Volunteering

Written by Dannielle Brantley

Everyday, it's important to keep your business in front of your audience because one of your biggest mistakes as a business owner is to allow people to forget about you. Creating opportunities for exposure is an important skill that you can develop in order to help increaserepparttar comfortability (is that a word?) of your company with its audience. Entrepreneurs need to interact with their target market and then communicate effectively with them in order to build any relationships that may lead to a sale. How do you reach your customer if you can't afford well-placed advertising, need a larger budget to produce a radio or tv spot and want more of a connection than one-night networking events? Volunteering may be your answer.

This past weekend I hadrepparttar 103775 pleasure of coordinating a portion ofrepparttar 103776 Prized Pieces Film Festival held atrepparttar 103777 Schomburg Center for Reseach in Black Culture in Harlem in partnership withrepparttar 103778 National Black Programming Consortium (NBPC). Four days, 25 films, 25th Birthday for NBPC and close to 1,000 potential customers for my business. This was what I call networking! Andrepparttar 103779 great thing about it is you get to help out an event and make it a success while also building on your own success.

But you can't just start volunteering at just any event so, here's what you need to consider before embarking on a 3-4 days volunteer voyage.

Willrepparttar 103780 event bring me in contact with my target market? - This may seem like a pretty obvious question but, it's important to think of because if your service is making homemade dolls, then volunteering at a film festival is not going to help bring in more customers. Be clear on who buys your product primarily and then list those secondary markets. If your volunteer duties don't bring you into contact with these people, then you shouldn't bother (unless it's personal).

Am I ready to promote my product or service? - When you report for duty be sure to carry your business card, brochure, flyer or anything else you may need in order to show your prospect that you are serious and ready for business. You may only have that one opportunity to talk to that major celebrity about your great makeup product, don't blow it by not having any business cards or correspondence to give.

Affirmative Inaction

Written by Gary Whittaker

One of Abraham Lincoln's claims to fame isrepparttar fact that he is best known for abolishing slavery. While he may have felt some personal satisfaction from liberatingrepparttar 103774 Negroes from their bondage, Economy wasrepparttar 103775 main reason why he made his emancipation proclamation. He wanted all of America to move intorepparttar 103776 Yankee version of capitalism. Over half a decade later, and after a series of civil rights "victories",repparttar 103777 roots of Affirmative Action were laid into law. This was at a time when black civil rights leaders where being assassinated, churches were being bombed, and dogs were notrepparttar 103778 black man's best friend. Some blacks had managed to prosper in a separate, but equal America. They become lawyers and businessmen and doctors. However, very few businesses employed blacks in a management position, as they knew their white employees would not adhere to their direction.

There was a time when all that were true. It wasrepparttar 103779 same time that smokers were not treated as social pariah; professional athletics made less thanrepparttar 103780 average worker andrepparttar 103781 only way to send mail was in an envelope. Times have changed. The social landscape has evolved. Technology has made a huge impact in our social fabric. Millions of families have found a home, and built their families in North America from acrossrepparttar 103782 globe. Blacks are no longerrepparttar 103783 scorn of White America. And whilerepparttar 103784 Civil Rights amendments apply to all races, colors, and ethnic peoples, let's face it, it is primarily applied torepparttar 103785 African-American. Between Affirmative Action and demands for reparations,repparttar 103786 black community has continued to ask for government handouts needlessly for almost 2 decades. It is time for this to end.

When Italians and Irish peoples first came to Ellis Island, they were not treated any better thanrepparttar 103787 people that were already settled. They faced most ofrepparttar 103788 same persecution and challenges being directed torepparttar 103789 black community as well. But they adapted. They formed close ties with their communities, and bought their way into mainstream America. That isrepparttar 103790 same forrepparttar 103791 Jews. Throughout history, no peoples have been persecuted torepparttar 103792 same levels asrepparttar 103793 Jews. Laws, throughout history, were made to keep them out of public office, and some times legitimate business, yet still they prosper. What are their secrets? Banding together as a community. Forming strong business groups. Supplying needed services or products to mainstream America. For some reason, sincerepparttar 103794 wholesale pillaging of Africa, African-Americans cannot seem to imitate other ethnic communities in that regard. They continue to followrepparttar 103795 African model of exploitation so that a few can maintain a hold overrepparttar 103796 many.

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