Building An Online Business Is Like Starting A Garden, You First MUST Plant Your Seeds

Written by Cory Threlfall

Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

I know what your thinking, "whatrepparttar heck does starting a garden and planting seeds have to do with building an online business?"

Well... it all depends on how you perceive what I'm about to share with you.

I'm merely using that headline as an analogy to a Powerful marketing strategy that I use to send HIGHLY targeted traffic to my online business... Effortlessly, that almost every website onrepparttar 108556 Internet is hungry for.

Now, we all know that in order to be in business you need to either provide a Product and/or Service that cater's to an particular Niche.

That'srepparttar 108557 easy part to figure out.

The part that is usuallyrepparttar 108558 hardest with most online businesses is growing that business, and we both know that in order to grow your business online you need "TRAFFIC".

We've all experienced these growing pains, myself included.

And, finding a cost effective marketing strategy these days likerepparttar 108559 one I'm about to share with you takes a little time to learn, but, inrepparttar 108560 long run will benefit You and your business for years.

Here are just a few benefits you'll receive when you incorporate this marketing strategy into your existing online business...

1) It'll BOOST your websites "Link Popularity"...

2) It'll give YOU and your business INSTANT credibility...

3) It'll build TRUST with your potential customers...

4) It'll send your website Residual traffic for years...

... and best of all, it'll put You infront of thousands of HIGHLY targeted customers... for FREE!

Do any of those Benefits get you excited?

They sure get me excited simply because I know it works and well at that.

So, with that said, I'm sure your getting a little anxious to find out what these "SEEDS" are that I'm so fond of that will put your online business infront of thousands of HIGHLY targeted customers Absolutely FREE!

Finding a Niche For Your Website Business

Written by Geraldine Jensen

Finding a Niche For Your Website Business

Do you have hobby or something you feel passionate about? If yes, finding your niche could be easy. Your passion and interest will help you build and sustain a website business. Specialization helps. For example, if you are interested in race cars specialize in blue race cars or one race car driver.

If you do not have a hobby or passionate interest check your local newspaper classified ads andrepparttar swap-trade free newspapers to see what items, hobbies, topics are most popular. Listen to what your friends and relatives are talking about. Are there any popular TV shows that are a "how to" format or informative that you like? What to do you searchrepparttar 108555 Internet to find? Was it there?

Still need an idea? Create a diary, list everything you enjoy doing or talking about in a week or two. Include sports, what you read, topics of articles, etc. The most overlooked things can lead to a great niche idea.

Check EBay's Best Sellers-- Hot Items List for information about what people are buying onrepparttar 108556 web

Test Demand And Supply

Make a list of keywords for topics you think are possibilities. Enter these words at The Overture Keyword Tool will give you a list of related terms people searched for last month andrepparttar 108557 counts for each item. This will show you if there is a demand.

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