Build your home on the web today

Written by Abdillahi Abdillahi

Everyday hundreds of web sites are launched by people all overrepparttar world .There are millions of reasons which make us launch new websites.Let me mention three of them in here by supposing .

1 : If you have any kind of business then sooner or later you will need a web presence in order to boost your business and to offer your services to people from all overrepparttar 132417 world .

2: Lets suppose you work for a company and that company asked you to make a website for them or make one for boosting business and communicating well with your co-workers.

3: Maybe you go to school and your school asked you to make one for them or for their journal or maybe you want to make one for your favorite movies etc .

So like I said there are millions of reasons but those three are some ofrepparttar 132418 main ones. Today in this article I will try to explain all you need to build your home onrepparttar 132419 web today . Believe it or not within 24-hours you could have a website up and running .Lets get started then .

What are url , website, servers, intranet, internet, http,www and domain names, WYSIWYG?

You might already knowrepparttar 132420 basics andrepparttar 132421 answers ofrepparttar 132422 above questions but I will still write up a short introduction and answers to them so if you don't know it can then get you started.

Url : stands for Uniform Resource Locator and it tellsrepparttar 132423 web browser what to do and where to go when you type it intorepparttar 132424 address bar of your web browser.

Website: is a location onrepparttar 132425 world wide web(www) and has a start page or home page which isrepparttar 132426 first thing you see when you visit it.It contains many files and owned by an individual or organization. And today you are going to make one :)

Servers : are likerepparttar 132427 normal computers but they have a lot of disk space and are connected torepparttar 132428 internet 24-hours a day , 7 days a week, 365 days, a year . Servers serve data such as web pages , pictures , applications and run many different types of programs in order to handle many different types of files.

Intranet : is more likerepparttar 132429 internet but restricted to a certain organization .Organizations exchange information easily using intranets. They can do anything that can be done onrepparttar 132430 internet like participating in discussion groups, viewing documents and revising them etc.

Internet :is a global network which is connected to millions of computers and it is not owned or run by a special company and it has vast collection of resources, information.

HTTP: stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and is a set of standards and tellrepparttar 132431 servers how to handle web pages , for example when you type a url intorepparttar 132432 address bar it then tellsrepparttar 132433 domain name which you typed to serve(display) a web page .

www: stands for World Wide Web and is a system of internet servers that support documents formatted in special way. Documents are formatted in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) which can link to other documents,audio and multimedia and graphics.

Domain Name : isrepparttar 132434 name ofrepparttar 132435 server hostingrepparttar 132436 website . There are many different types of domain names such us .com for commercial , .net for networks and ISPs(Internet Service Providers) ,.gov for government sites , .edu for educational institutes and .org for non-profit organizations . The most widely used one isrepparttar 132437 .com one.

WYSIWYG: stands for what you see is what you get and applications which have WYSIWYG enable you to see what is displayed onrepparttar 132438 screen exactly when you printrepparttar 132439 document or publish it. There are many WYSIWYG editors which enable you to easily create a website andrepparttar 132440 best and most popular ones include Microsoft® FrontPage® and Macromedia® Dreamweaver® MX . If you know how to use Microsoft® Word® then you can use those two because they are more alike .

Do You Need a Web Database?

Written by Lester Boey

Does My Web Site Require A Web Database?

If your web site require constant updates and feeding of information, a web database isrepparttar solution. In short, this applies to web sites that handle online products, news feed, members- based subscription and other functions as well. Not only can a database provide easier access to information, it also automates most of your daily tasks. For example, running an book store requires massive amount of efforts in inventory and updating. However, if you have a database to play around with, you can actually hook up your online book store with your existing brick-and-mortar shop. Get a couple of scanning equipment and PC, updating your online book store can never be easier than scanningrepparttar 132415 barcodes!

Building Your Own Database

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