Build Your Ark, Save Your World

Written by A.Z. Alfred

He heard a voice. The voice wants him to do something, something no one had ever done before. “Build an ark,repparttar earth will be flooded and destroyed.” The voice told him. He jolted out of sleep, if he was really sleeping. Whichever way, thinking or sleeping, he got up and wanted someone to share it with.

He set out, told his bosom friends he would be building an ark that would saverepparttar 145619 world. He wanted them to assist him, but they mocked him because no one had ever thought of building an ark. They told himrepparttar 145620 world can never be flooded and went about their business.

He had a heavy heart. He was frustrated and sat down for a while, thinking he must have gotrepparttar 145621 wrong kind of dream. Butrepparttar 145622 more he tried to get it out of his mind,repparttar 145623 morerepparttar 145624 vision became real and he was left with no choice, but build it all by himself.

He wasted no more time, drew out his plan and immediately set to work. He kept on building even when friends came around and laughed at his stupid prophecies of a flooded earth. Sometimes he would work till late inrepparttar 145625 night only to wake up inrepparttar 145626 morning to discover some part ofrepparttar 145627 ark had been destroyed.

Despiterepparttar 145628 fact that he had to rebuild some part ofrepparttar 145629 ark, he wasn’t mad at his family, wasn’t angry with his friends who made a fool of him. He didn’t complaining nor harassesrepparttar 145630 man upstairs. There weren’t skyscrapers in his time, so I’m talking about God.

At long last, after so many years, he completed his assignment and instead of resting, he took his family andrepparttar 145631 animals he might find useful intorepparttar 145632 ark. He abandoned his house and chose to live inrepparttar 145633 ark he spent some of his lifetime building.

When he least expected it, whenrepparttar 145634 people least thought of it,repparttar 145635 rain came. He simply closedrepparttar 145636 door of his new house, smiling not as a fool but an achiever and a prophet. It rained heavily for days and his ark floated onrepparttar 145637 waters as those who laughed at him drowned inrepparttar 145638 flood. He saved his world.

Journals You Can Keep

Written by Doreene Clement

Journals You Can Keep By Doreene Clement

Besides your daily feelings, thoughts, and experiences journal, diary or diaries, there are many ideas for journals that you can keep, some are suggested below. Buy a blank book or a notebook with a particular journal topic in mind and keep this book for only that topic. You may decide to keep several kinds of journals atrepparttar same time, so remember that you do not have to journal every day.

1. Family Journal - Journal about yourself and your family,repparttar 145618 children, your parents, or relatives. You can have a weekly 'family journal night,' whererepparttar 145619 whole family can get together and either journal or discuss their journals. For any age, drawing is a way to journal thoughts.

2. Letter Journal - After you've written a letter, make a copy and keep it in its own file or binder.

3. Memory Journal - Think back, and journal one memory a day.

4. Gratitude Journal - Journal one thing in your life that you are grateful for that day.

5. Prayer Journal - Journal a prayer a day. Your prayer, a friend's,repparttar 145620 prayer fromrepparttar 145621 paper, etc.

6. Good Thoughts Journal - Journal at least one good thought each day.

7. Books/Movies Journal - Journalrepparttar 145622 books you have read orrepparttar 145623 movies you have seen. What were your experiences? Who suggestedrepparttar 145624 book or movie? Who did you seerepparttar 145625 movie with?

8. Couples Journal - Take time every day to write something to each other. Journal about each other, an experience ofrepparttar 145626 day, a dream forrepparttar 145627 future, even an, "I'm sorry."

9. Dream Journal - Upon waking, journal your dreams.

10. Friendship Journal - Journal your experiences and feelings aboutrepparttar 145628 lunch you just had with a friend, your visit with your sister, what you are looking forward to with a co-worker andrepparttar 145629 new work project.

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