Build Trust Online By Focusing on Web Consumers

Written by Pete Prestipino

Somewhere between project ideation and results analysis, those responsible forrepparttar success of internet endeavors will wonder if their visitors actually trust their website enough to buy product or share personal information. believes Web sites will exude Web credibility if they adopt some very basic trust-building policies and so shares some vital tips about building trust online by focusing on Web consumers needs:

Tell consumers who you are by helping them focus on your identity: To have consumers believe in you and takerepparttar 118433 action you want, web sites should clearly disclose their physical location and offer easy one-click access to postal address, telephone number and e-mail addresses or support forms. Building an heir of credibility can also come from clearly disclosing ownership information and making corporate and mission statements readily available.

Tell consumersrepparttar 118434 truth by focusing on transparency: With millions of websites online it is easy to understand why many consumers simply do not trust some websites. By being "transparent" when it comes to your existing relationships, web businesses foster an atmosphere of open communication. Successful sites do this by clearly distinguishing advertising from news and information through labels or other visual means. Websites should also clearly disclose relevant business relationships, including sponsored links to other sites -repparttar 118435 site's sponsorship policies should be clearly noted in accompanying text or on an "About Us" or "Site Center" page.

Tell consumers why they can trust you with formal privacy policies. While every website does not have a privacy policy, every website that wants to establish credibility with their website visitors should have one. Privacy policies help consumers understand what you as a business can do with their information. More than just legal documents, easy to read privacy policies give consumers peace of mind about who they are sharing their personal information with. Many consumers read these documents in detail before submitting or sharing any information. Usuallyrepparttar 118436 most important part of these policies is about what you as a company can do with their information once you have it.

"I'm just me" - An Overview of an Web er.. Designer, Developer, Consultant and Friend.

Written by Andrew Mottershead

I am going to give you a breakdown of my ... er ... work ... playtime .... income ....

I'm a UK based Web Designer, Web Developer, Internet Consultant. I build websites, content management systems and internet solutions for anybody who can afford me. I am a prostitute!! Yes! A prostitute - I use my website to sell my wares and hope thatrepparttar client enjoysrepparttar 118432 result if they decide to pick me up. I like to think of myself as giving good head to a "web enabled userbase". Apparently prostitution isrepparttar 118433 "oldest trade". Well if that's so then I've been doingrepparttar 118434 same as long atrepparttar 118435 internet has been available to home users here inrepparttar 118436 UK.

It's been nearly 8 years since I first logged on torepparttar 118437 internet from my home. Prior to that I'd used gopher servers via as a student inrepparttar 118438 early 90's. Prior to that BBS's were fun. I now find myself working from home as a kind of web dogsbody. Just me, four cats, 2 horses, my son and my amazing partner down here on a 6 acre smallholding in Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK. I have several titles:

Web Designer

I use this if a client needs me to make images to make their site "pretty". Web design has been written about byrepparttar 118439 Guru's in their ivory mansions. Atrepparttar 118440 end ofrepparttar 118441 day what is it? It's being able to realiserepparttar 118442 clients vision without resorting to cheesy backgrounds and blinking text. Keep it nice and clean.

If your a web designer with a difficult client.. do not do what they want!! Just tell them what they should do or drop them. The previous statement depends on two things:

How much do you KNOW your right?

How much are they're PAYING you?

Most of us now know what is good design..

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