Budda In Your Back Pocket

Written by Deirdre Maigread McEachern

The other day I was late for something. Not very late. In fact, I was actually on time but an angry voice berated me anyway, saying, "You are late! There will be no seats left. You wouldn't run late if you were more organized!" It was a terrible feeling, especially becauserepparttar voice was partially right.

Who was this voice yelling at me? It was my nemesis –repparttar 103238 Shrew who lives in my head.

We all get annoyed at ourselves from time to time; it is only natural. But for some of us, it can become an unrelenting bother. There can be no contentment whenrepparttar 103239 Shrew is onrepparttar 103240 scene!

Some call it a gremlin, others an inner critic, others negative self-talk. I call herrepparttar 103241 Shrew. No matter what you call yours, you know who I mean. She's fierce, she's damning and she's quick to pounce on every mistake you make, turning them into capital offenses. The Shrew exaggerates our flaws, smashes our self-esteem, ruins our confidence, distracts us from what we are doing and makes us miserable.

I am choosing not to live with it anymore! I invite you to dorepparttar 103242 same. There is a force which can tamerepparttar 103243 Shrew: The Buddha in Your Back Pocket*.

Think of a time when you witnessed a stranger being scolded and felt badly for them. Perhaps it was a worker being accused by an angry boss of "screwing things up" for something you knew wasn't their fault. Did you wish you could go up to that worker and say, "Don't pay any attention to them. I saw what happened and I know you are a doing a good job!"

This softer side of you isrepparttar 103244 anti-Shrew. It is empathy and compassion. The Shrew is afraid of it because she fears you might offer it to yourself. It is a skill to learn to apply this loving, tender, supportive side of ourselves to ourselves. Many of us, me included, are not inrepparttar 103245 habit of it.

The morning I was late, Ms. Shrew was in full force. But, before she could ruin my day, I was able to ward her off by pulling outrepparttar 103246 Buddha in My Back Pocket. It felt a bit like Luke Skywalker yielding a light saber against Darth Vader. "Luke, userepparttar 103247 force!"

Keeping your business event entertainment clean, not obscene: Amusing Without Abusing

Written by Adam Christing

When John Hakel decided to hire a comedian for one of his company's events, he knew that hiringrepparttar right comic would be no laughing matter. Asrepparttar 103237 Director ofrepparttar 103238 Association of General Contractors of California, Hakel plans dozens of events each year and he had heard of other planners who got blindsided whenrepparttar 103239 hired comic's jokes quickly went from funny to filthy. "My job security depends on making our association members happy at these events," says Hakel, "not upsetting them with crude, racially insensitive or sexually explicit humor."

With issues like workplace sexual harassment and political correctness so prevalent these days, HR directors, event planners, office managers, and other program coordinators are anxious to ensure thatrepparttar 103240 hired talent for a business or social event will entertain without offending.

Hakel avoided that embarrassment and kept his job by working with a company like CleanComedians.com. In fact, sincerepparttar 103241 original booking, Hakel has hired performers from "Clean Comedians" for more than 30 separate events. "Every time I have hired a Clean Comedians performer, my audience has loved it. It's great to get hilarious comedy -- and never having to worry about offending any guests."

CleanComedians.com is an entertainment production company that represents

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