Brook Trout and Brook trout Fishing

Written by Ken Austin

Brook trout are one ofrepparttar most popular game fish in Canada. These fish can be found inrepparttar 115963 northern most parts of North America. What is so great about these fish? Is there a great location to go brook trout fishing? And, what type of lure and equipment do you need for trout fishing then? To answer these questions, you can begin by knowing something aboutrepparttar 115964 brook trout itself. Then, you can decide if brook trout fishing is something for you.

Brook trout, or Salvelinus Fontinalis, are also known by other names. You may have heard them called Speckled Trout, Aurora Trout, Sea Trout, Brookie or several other names. The fist itself ranges from 10-12 inches, but several larger fish have been caught as well. Their average weight tends to be about 5 pounds, again depending onrepparttar 115965 length. The largest brook trout caught came in at 21 inches long and 14.5 pounds. That fish, a very rare occurrence, was caught in Ontario onrepparttar 115966 Nipigon River.

Brown Trout Fishing, A Real Challenge

Written by Ken Austin

Brown trout fishing can prove very challenging. This is due in part torepparttar fact that brown trout are smart fish. They tend to feed at dusk or at night. They do put up a fight though and that can be a great challenge torepparttar 115962 fisherman. But, because ofrepparttar 115963 difficultly to catchrepparttar 115964 brown trout, this fish has not been a big time game fish. But, there is much to know about it anyway.

The brown trout, or Salmo Trutta, is also known by other names including German brown trout, German trout, English brown trout, European brown trout or Brownies. The brown trout is generally a small fish. It ranges in length from 16 inches to about two feet. It weighs up to eight pounds. The coloring on this fish tends to be light brown onrepparttar 115965 backs and silvery onrepparttar 115966 sides and bottom.

The brown trout is natively a European fish. Inrepparttar 115967 waters ofrepparttar 115968 Atlantic and even into

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