Broadband - Will it Affect Your Online Marketing Future?

Written by Francisco Aloy

To all editors, this is NOT part ofrepparttar article, please remove before posting.

You'll notice I've included some hyperlinks withinrepparttar 120022 article. They are there for description only. I have absolutely no financial interest in any ofrepparttar 120023 linking.

Francisco Aloy *************************************************

The coming age of general Broadband use bearing down upon us, minute by minute, is going to leave many changes in its wake. Some will be welcome; others will demand all we can do, just to keep up!

Of course, items like high quality graphics, streaming video and movies on demand will be commonplace. Onrepparttar 120024 other hand, Broadband spellsrepparttar 120025 end of most common text-only websites. Let's face it:repparttar 120026 consumer wants more! Offering a good deal with high quality service won't do it anymore.

Websites that cater torepparttar 120027 newfound appetite for quality audio and video content will getrepparttar 120028 sale. Obviously, that makes perfect sense! It brings to mind an experience I had while learning Photoshop. I purchased a very big manual and it took me three weeks just to get my feet wet. A good friend bought a video tutorial and arrived at my level of skill in two days!

There are many other things audio and video can explain better and in much shorter time than text, as inrepparttar 120029 example above. We're not talking just innovation; but also,repparttar 120030 very deep and long-lasting impactrepparttar 120031 technology is going to produce.

I was reading an informative article written by Darrin Coe, titled "The Internet Consumer Exposed." It's a piece compiled from larger studies ofrepparttar 120032 habits and lifestyles of Internet centered consumers. Byrepparttar 120033 conclusions reached inrepparttar 120034 item, it does appearrepparttar 120035 consumer will smile uponrepparttar 120036 coming Broadband changes. Here is Darrin's website: There are some Marketers actively staking out their Broadband future. One that comes to mind is Jim Edwards. Jim is also a well known writer and syndicated newspaper columnist and - not to mention - a very pleasant person.

This Here Web Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us! - Can You Corner Web Market Share With Negative Actions?

Written by Francisco Aloy

If you're a fan of Western movies I'm sure you've heard most ofrepparttar title line before; just replace "Web" with "town." That line of dialog is offered right beforerepparttar 120021 two cowboys go outside and have a deadly gun duel. Wind blown tumbleweeds and shades ofrepparttar 120022 OK Corral as a backdrop!

Nevertheless, can mean spirited politics help you corral a little corner ofrepparttar 120023 Web? Can you put up no trespassing signs on what you've deemed to call your own?

Most progressive Net businesses grab market share by their good business practices and excellent customer service. There's more than a few of those that come to mind. There are others - less enlightened - that use negative practices to maintain their market foothold.

Creative ways to slow down or stop your perceived competitors or opponents are many. They can takerepparttar 120024 form of misinformation, gossip, poisonous tips, setting up dummy email accounts to spread rumors, etc, etc

A few of them will work inrepparttar 120025 short term. Some will be more effective than others. Most will stain your personal and business name, when found out! All of them are foolhardy!

Yes, you can raise your hand torepparttar 120026 sky and blockrepparttar 120027 sun; yet and still, it's not an accurate description of what's happening. Whenrepparttar 120028 mighty Mississippi river wants to change course, how can it be stopped? Whenrepparttar 120029 Net wants to grow, expand and mutate, how are you going to tame it to your petty designs?

Entire countries have bent torepparttar 120030 will ofrepparttar 120031 Web! Here's an example: Long-standing phone monopolies in Central American countries used political pressure to stop their citizens from making Internet phone calls, to no avail! Though "special legislation" was passed, there was such a huge outcry fromrepparttar 120032 rest ofrepparttar 120033 Net, they relented! Letrepparttar 120034 Net berepparttar 120035 Net, isrepparttar 120036 call of wisdom.

Historically speaking,repparttar 120037 Web is an infant. It will continue to grow and expand, networking evenrepparttar 120038 most remote outpost or village! Powerful and speedy microchips will give usrepparttar 120039 ability to reach out to other people and cultures. Language barriers will be eliminated with real-time, two way translation. Stone Age villages are going to joinrepparttar 120040 modern world in one fantastic step!

The swift technological change andrepparttar 120041 accelerated rate of deployment promise a bumpy ride, to sayrepparttar 120042 least! All we can do is grabrepparttar 120043 beast byrepparttar 120044 tail and hang on; uncertain as to where it leads and what it will look like!

Those are just a few ofrepparttar 120045 things awaiting us, inrepparttar 120046 not-too-distant future. I'm sure there are many more in store; not imagined, unseen and unexpected. The only two constant factors are: growth and change! In its tender years,repparttar 120047 Net has grown and mutated in ways barely imagined a decade ago.

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