Bring Traffic to Your Site with "Co-op Banner Pages"

Written by Cherie Davidson

Why do you have a Web site? To make money, share your views/interests/opinions withrepparttar world? Or just spread some joy, kindness or inspiration? Whatever your reason is for your site, you won't realize your goals or dreams if you don't have anyone visiting!

Reciprocal links are becoming problematic, if you readrepparttar 124898 recent articles circulatingrepparttar 124899 Web. Search engines are getting costly. Webrings can work if you have lots of room on a main page for posting, but it's getting difficult to find good size ones that will give you real traffic.

I've found a variation that is bringing increasing attention to my sites, and it allows me to share my interests with others and offer increased traffic to them. Have you heard of Top Sites, or Best Sites, lists? I love them. You go to a page that has a list of sites that specifically relate to your interest. Something like mini-directories. They haverepparttar 124900 benefits that reciprocal linking used to have, withoutrepparttar 124901 hassles. Something of a free advertising cooperative, actually.

They are such a nice idea that I decided to have my business site sponsor several lists that appeal torepparttar 124902 interests of clients and site visitors. And I invite you to check them out and add your sites! (There's no cost or obligation of any kind!) Rank onrepparttar 124903 list will depend on votes (visits to and from your site torepparttar 124904 list). Your banner will be displayed, and there's even room for a short description.

Dracula Marketing

Written by Dave Brown

You can learn a lot about marketing from Dracula. Dracula has done it all. He's made lots of different products. And he's made a killing (so to speak) in a lot of different markets. You should try to do what Dracula has done.

I just visitedrepparttar Internet Movie Database ( ) and looked up 'Dracula'. It listed 113 movies that have been made about Dracula. How can there be 113 movies about Dracula?!? To tell yourepparttar 124897 truth, there are actually more, butrepparttar 124898 titles just didn't show up in a search on 'Dracula'.

The oldest movie I could find inrepparttar 124899 list was made in 1922. Although it was a silent movie, it looks like it was made in Germany. It wasn't really a movie version ofrepparttar 124900 original novel, but it was certainly based onrepparttar 124901 novel.

And inrepparttar 124902 81 years since then, at least 112 more movies were made based (in some way) on that same novel.

Obviously, people likerepparttar 124903 novel, or at leastrepparttar 124904 idea behind it. So people have tried to put it onrepparttar 124905 screen. And they've done it in countless different ways.

Stay with me. There's a marketing lesson here.

Let's look at all ofrepparttar 124906 different markets that Dracula has catered to. Originally,repparttar 124907 novel was transformed into a movie for people who like movies. Great idea.

Later, Dracula movies were made in different languages, to cater to different markets that don't speakrepparttar 124908 same language.

Dracula père et fils Drakula Istanbul'da and more.

But sticking torepparttar 124909 original novel, Dracula was really only appealing to people who liked horror movies. So eventually, we began to see very loose interpretations of Dracula forrepparttar 124910 non-horror markets.

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