Bring The Seashore Inside

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

It’s vacation time and families everywhere are “getting away” for a week-end or longer. Many go to a waterfront get-a-way so that they can enjoy hot, soft sand, cool breezes, and water activities. There is so much for every age-group to do when it comes to oceans, lakes, or smaller water areas. If you are into surfing, fishing, or water-skiing then these are perfect destinations. When you have children with your group, what can they do to passrepparttar time whenrepparttar 111560 water gets a little too chilled, just after mealtime, or when they need a quiet time from allrepparttar 111561 activity?

Searching for seashells or agates is a family affair. Letting your children discoverrepparttar 111562 uniqueness in each “find” and letting them enjoyrepparttar 111563 pleasure of a “treasure” puts smiles on everyone’s face. You bag up your shells or agates and then when you get home, they are usually put in a jar or a can and shelved. Why not use your found items and decorate your home with them, especially your child’s room?

Picture frames are aboutrepparttar 111564 easiest way to remind everyone ofrepparttar 111565 fun and enjoyment you had on your trek torepparttar 111566 seashore. They can be as elaborate as you like, or as simple as placing a few “favorites” onrepparttar 111567 edges of a pre-made frame and highlighting a photograph. Those with wonderful color hues or very unusual shapes or textures work best. Framing a small bathroom mirror, or dresser accent is also a fine way to display nature’s works of art. If you have a jewelry box or any small decorative chest, add shells and give it new life. Placing a shelf in your child’s room high enough not to create a safety hazard, and placing large starfish or horns will give them many moments of day-dreaming and reflection. Just adding a few new shells to your home aquarium or goldfish bowl will give it very special meaning and a personalization.

How to Have More Money by Organizing Yourself

Written by Barbara Myers

1. Appear to be organized atrepparttar office and people will see you as smarter and more competent which will lead to pay raises and better jobs. This includes your desk, paperwork, timeliness and wardrobe.

2. Have a designated place to store receipts so you can easily return items.

3. File your tax-deductible receipts together so they'll be ready for tax season.

4. Keep everything in it's place so you won't run out and buy a duplicate of something you already have but can't find.

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