Bridging the Chasm from Lead to Loyal Customer

Written by Julie Chance

Bridgingrepparttar Chasm from Lead to Loyal Customer: A Step by Step Guide for Developing Awareness, Building Credibility and Acquiring Customers

By Julie Chance

Have you ever watched a documentary about climbing Mount Everest? If so, you will undoubtedly remember one specific segment ofrepparttar 120744 journey whererepparttar 120745 climbers cross a chasm, one carefully placed step after another, using aluminum ladders strung end to end. For me, justrepparttar 120746 thought of it is enough to cause an anxiety attack!

There is a similar chasm between your product or service and your potential customers, even if it is only inrepparttar 120747 potential customers’ mind. And for them,repparttar 120748 thought of crossing that chasm is enough to cause a severe case of anxiety.

Picture a group of your potential customers, standing atrepparttar 120749 edge of a chasm on Mount Everest and you and your product or service standing onrepparttar 120750 other side. It is your job andrepparttar 120751 role of your marketing efforts to help potential clients cross that chasm one step at a time. At this stage, your immediate objective is not to get them to purchase. It is simply to get them to take that first step out ontorepparttar 120752 ladder, followed by one more step, and than another until they reachrepparttar 120753 ultimate decision to purchase.

It is as ludicrous to expect a potential customer to reach a purchase decision in one step as it would be to expect a Mount Everest adventurer to cross a chasm in one step. So how can you begin to move your potential customers acrossrepparttar 120754 purchase chasm?

•Step One - Awareness and Knowledge: Before someone can purchase a product or service they must be aware of it. They must also have knowledge about what problemsrepparttar 120755 product or service will solve for them. They must be able to picture in their mindsrepparttar 120756 benefit they will receive from usingrepparttar 120757 product or service, and that picture must be enticing enough to motivate them to take that first step.

At this phase, your objective is to make potential customers aware of your product or service, generally through mass media type activities, advertising, direct mail, articles, public speaking, etc. and then to get them to takerepparttar 120758 first step by requesting additional information. You might offer a brochure, free report, newsletter subscription or other informational item in exchange for contact information. The key is to offer something that:

* Is of value to your potential client, * Provides him or her with additional knowledge about your product or service and how it will solve his or her problems * Poses a very low level of risk or obligation onrepparttar 120759 part ofrepparttar 120760 prospective customer.

•Step two - Liking and Preference: Awareness alone is not enough. Potential customers must also have a positive disposition regarding your product or service. Potential customers must trust that you will deliver what you say you will. Several years ago there was an insurance company that did a tremendous job of building awareness through television advertising. However,repparttar 120761 ads were so obnoxious that I’m surerepparttar 120762 company ranked quite low onrepparttar 120763 liking, preference and credibility scale.

Why Write an eBook?

Written by Michael Rasmussen BulletProof Marketing, Inc

It's not true that everything that has been said has already been written. Since that unfortunate axiom came into use,repparttar whole universe has changed. Technology has changed, ideas have changed, andrepparttar 120743 mindsets of entire nations have changed.

The fact is that this isrepparttar 120744 perfect time to write an ebook. Whatrepparttar 120745 publishing industry needs are people who can tap intorepparttar 120746 world as it is today - innovative thinkers who can makerepparttar 120747 leap intorepparttar 120748 new millennium and figure out how to solve old problems in a new way. Ebooks are a new and powerful tool for original thinkers with fresh ideas to disseminate information torepparttar 120749 millions of people who are struggling to figure out how to do a plethora of different things.

Let's say you already have a brilliant idea, andrepparttar 120750 knowledge to back it up that will enable you to write an exceptional ebook. You may be sitting at your computer staring at a blank screen wondering, "Why? Why should I go through allrepparttar 120751 trouble of writing my ebook when it's so impossible to get anything published these days?

Well, let me assure you that publishing an ebook is entirely different than publishing a book in print. Let's look atrepparttar 120752 specifics of howrepparttar 120753 print and cyber publishing industry differ, andrepparttar 120754 many reasons why you should takerepparttar 120755 plunge and get your fingers tapping across those keyboards!

Submitting a print book to conventional publishing houses or to agents is similar to wearing a hair shirt 24/7. No matter how good your book actually is, or how many critique services and mentor writers have told you that "you've got what it takes," your submitted manuscript keeps coming back to you as if it is a boomerang instead of a valuable mine of information.

Perhaps, in desperation, you've checked out self-publishing and found out just how expensive a venture it can be. Most "vanity presses" require minimal print runs of at least 500 copies, and even that amount will cost you thousands of dollars. Some presses' minimal run starts at 1,000 to 2,000 copies. And that's just forrepparttar 120756 printing and binding. Add in distribution, shipping, and promotional costs and - well, you dorepparttar 120757 math. Even if you wanted to go this route, you may not have that kind of money to risk.

Let's say you already have an Internet business with a quality website and a quality product. An ebook is one ofrepparttar 120758 most powerful ways to promote your business while educating people withrepparttar 120759 knowledge you already possess as a business owner of a specific product or service.

For example, let's say that you've spentrepparttar 120760 last twenty-five years growing and training bonsai trees, and now you're ready to share your knowledge and experience. An ebook isrepparttar 120761 perfect way to reachrepparttar 120762 largest audience of bonsai enthusiasts.

Ebooks will not only promote your business - they will help you make a name for yourself and your company, and establish you as an expert in your field. You may even find that you have enough to say to warrant a series of ebooks. Specific businesses are complicated and often requirerepparttar 120763 different aspects to be divided in order forrepparttar 120764 reader to getrepparttar 120765 full story.

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