Bridge Your Way To A Better Life

Written by Virginia Reeves

There are occasions when we all put off making a decision for one reason or another. We must accept that where we are and who we are today isrepparttar direct result of all of our previous decisions or lack of decision making. Accepting that you are responsible is not always pleasant but it is reality. It becomes easier to be a person who is satisfied with who you are which leads to self-confidence and self-respect. This frees your mind to be more creative, enjoy your days more, experience more positive relationships, and be able to share more with others. Your eyes will be open to more opportunities. You will be more open to accepting unexpected turns of events in your life. You will have more energy and enthusiasm. Your perspective on life will be ever changing within and outside your primary focus areas - take advantage of these chances to expand your mind.

I listened to a speech years ago which usedrepparttar 123509 acronym of BRIDGE to describe a broader way of living your life. I hope it reminds you ofrepparttar 123510 importance of living today so your memories of yesterday are good and your hopes for tomorrow's are ones that have a positive outlook.

BREAKAWAY Release old concepts that someone else will or must determine your values. Breakaway fromrepparttar 123511 past and old expectations. Start taking complete responsibility for your actions and destiny.

RISK TAKING Change keeps us excited about life because ofrepparttar 123512 challenges involved. While there can be fear in taking risks, there is also joy and satisfaction to be gained. Putting yourself onrepparttar 123513 line gives you courage and respect for your abilities.

The Face in the Glass

Written by Kosta kasso

The Face inrepparttar Glass

Hello my Friend,

I thought we would do something a little different today.

This is a poem that has inspired me on many occasions and continues to do so Today.

There will be no sales or ads atrepparttar 123508 end of this letter. This is for you.

I would prefer you just enjoyrepparttar 123509 message and maybe relax a little from this hectic internet world…


The Face In The Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for self Andrepparttar 123510 world makes you king for a day, Just go to a mirror and look at yourself And see what THAT face has to say.

For it isn't your father or mother or spouse Whose judgment upon you must pass; The person whose verdict counts most in your life Isrepparttar 123511 one staring back fromrepparttar 123512 glass.

Some people might think you are a straight-shootin' chum And call you a wonderful guy or gal, Butrepparttar 123513 face inrepparttar 123514 glass says you're only a bum If you can't look it straight inrepparttar 123515 eye. That'srepparttar 123516 one you must please, never mind allrepparttar 123517 rest, For that'srepparttar 123518 one with you clear up torepparttar 123519 end. And you know you have passed your most dangerous test Ifrepparttar 123520 face inrepparttar 123521 glass is your friend. You may foolrepparttar 123522 whole world downrepparttar 123523 pathway of life And get pats on your back as you pass, But your final reward will be heartache and tears If you've cheatedrepparttar 123524 face inrepparttar 123525 glass.

~ Dale Wimbrow ~


Dear friend,

Well, for me, this poem has proven that being true to oneself isrepparttar 123526 real Key to Joy and Happiness.

I would like to tell you how this poem has affected my life and perhaps can dorepparttar 123527 same for yours.

I found this Poem several years ago and after reading through it, I realized a couple of things.

I don’t think I’ve actually made that many mistakes in my life. I finished High School, went on to get a Degree or two and worked some pretty steady and good paying jobs.

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