Breastfeeding A Baby

Written by Tony Luck

Breastfeeding Your Baby..

Everyone tells you that breastfeeding is best - but why?

  • It contains allrepparttar nutrients baby will need.
  • Breast milk contains antibodies which help baby to fight infections.
  • It is more digestible, so baby is less likely to suffer from diarrhoea or other stomach upsets.

Breastfeeding is good for mum too.

  • It burns off about 500 calories a day by using your body's fat which was put on to help you breastfeed.
  • Breastfeeding triggersrepparttar 110410 retraction ofrepparttar 110411 womb.

It's also free! When you think of how much nappies are going to cost, don't turn down a freebie!

How Do I Do It?

Your baby is born with a 'sucking reflex' which is especially strong in repparttar 110412 first few minutes of life.

  1. Hold baby with her tummy towards you and with her body in a straight line. Brush your nipple against against her lips to encourage her to open her mouth.

  2. Make sure she takesrepparttar 110413 areola in her mouth as well as repparttar 110414 nipple otherwiserepparttar 110415 milk won't flow.

  3. Your breast holds two types of milk: foremilk which is

Baby’s First Shoes: How to Choose the Right Ones

Written by Tricia O'Connell

Any parent of an active toddler has asked this question: “When should my child start wearing shoes?”

There is no clear consensus. Some parents buy shoes as soon as their baby pulls herself into a first tentative stand; others wait as long as possible, preferring not to constrict their children’s feet.

“As a general rule, kids will need shoes when they are ready to start walking around outdoors,” says Peggy Wells, who is both a mother and president of Pip Squeakers, a children’s shoe company. “You will want something that protects your baby’s feet but still allows for some flexibility,” she explains.

For parents contemplating purchasing their baby’s first shoes, here are some suggestions for things to consider fromrepparttar experts at and

* Make sure you getrepparttar 110409 proper fit. Shoes that are too tight or too loose could be painful or cause blisters, and may even hamper walking. Have your pediatrician measure your child’s feet, duringrepparttar 110410 regular check-ups. This will provide you with an accurate measurement when you refer to a shoe company’s sizing chart.

* Avoid stiff, high-top leather shoes; there is no evidence that they help babies walk. Instead, look for something soft and flexible that allows your baby to userepparttar 110411 movement of his feet to maintain balance and to walk. They should be made from canvas or some other breathable material, and have flat, flexible, non-slip soles.

* Get shoes your child likes. Pip Squeakers shoes make a pleasing “squeak” that children enjoy. “It encourages them to move, walk and explore their surroundings,” says Wells, who adds that children enjoy creatingrepparttar 110412 amusing sounds with each step. An added benefit is safety:repparttar 110413 sound allows parents to more easily trackrepparttar 110414 movements of their toddler and keep them within a close radius.

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