Breast feeding Problems

Written by Charles Silverman


Breastfeeding isrepparttar act of naturally feeding an infant with milk produced inrepparttar 115887 mother's breast. This has unlimited amounts of benefits forrepparttar 115888 baby not only breast milk is healthier butrepparttar 115889 action of feedingrepparttar 115890 child is a moment of love in whichrepparttar 115891 baby learns to bond, smell and caress withrepparttar 115892 mother as she gives nourishment and affection. Without a doubt breast milk isrepparttar 115893 best food for a newborn, nothing comes even closer to provide allrepparttar 115894 nutrients thatrepparttar 115895 baby will need later in life. Breast milk is much easier to digest then any formula inrepparttar 115896 market, atrepparttar 115897 same time it provides protection against infections, prevents future food allergies, helpsrepparttar 115898 growth of healthy teeth, and most important it improves brain development. Studies had shown that breastfed babies are more intelligent than formula fed babies.

However, many mothers stop breastfeeding afterrepparttar 115899 third or fourth month switching to formula and later to cow's milk, this certainly robsrepparttar 115900 baby ofrepparttar 115901 special qualities that breast milk offers. Infants that stop nursing beforerepparttar 115902 forth month are at risk of developing asthma, food and respiratory allergies, intestinal bacteria, and oral weaknesses (poor teeth development).

Sometimes a mother can not breastfed her baby due to a number of reasons, such as, low quality of milk, breast pain, infection, etc. That's when herbs come into play, many midwifes have used them for years to improve quality and quantity of milk, to fight infection and much more, take a look atrepparttar 115903 following conditions andrepparttar 115904 natural ways to treat them.

Low quality or quantity of milk

Low quality of milk can be cause by medications or a poor diet, many antibiotics contaminaterepparttar 115905 milk and a diet high in caffeine may cause colics and sleeping problems forrepparttar 115906 baby it is very importantrepparttar 115907 the mother keeps eating a well balance diet after giving birth, and preferably foods with no traces of pesticides these poisons become highly concentrated inrepparttar 115908 milk.

The use of a breast pump may inhibitrepparttar 115909 production of milk, loweringrepparttar 115910 amount available torepparttar 115911 baby, this givesrepparttar 115912 false idea thatrepparttar 115913 infant should be change to formula in order for him to be satisfied, when in factrepparttar 115914 problem isrepparttar 115915 quantity of milk thatrepparttar 115916 mother is producing.

Herbs can help with both of these common problems.

We recommend

² Eat alfalfa or take it in capsules, it stimulates lactation, improves quality and quantity of milk.

² Chaste tree Increases flow of milk, by affecting pituitary's prolactin secretion.

² Chinese use an herb called codonopsis to increase lactation and strengthenrepparttar 115917 blood.

² Goat's rue this herb is been used by midwifes for hundreds of years to improve breast milk production by as much as 50 %.

² Vervain encourages milk secretion and flow, it also increases absorption of nutrients from food and helps with postpartum depression.

² Milk thistle promotes production of milk and decreases pesticide residues in breast and milk.

TIP: Did you know that tight bras may stoprepparttar 115918 milk production and cause plugged ducts?.

² Cumin helps increase milk production. ² Caraway, aniseed, dill, and fennel promote flow of best milk. It can be taken in form of teas or infusion.

² If you are prone to chills while breastfeeding and have poor quality of milk use calcarea.


Breast engorgement is a very common problem that start affectingrepparttar 115919 mother inrepparttar 115920 first two or three weeks after delivery and is more annoying to women with poor skin elasticity. Engorgement is due to milk excessively fillingrepparttar 115921 breast together with blood and fluid retention inrepparttar 115922 same area.

Usuallyrepparttar 115923 breast feels full, hard, tight, tender, painful,repparttar 115924 breast feels hot torepparttar 115925 touch and a fever may develop,repparttar 115926 baby may have a hard time to latch on and suck.

We recommend

² Take a handful of Confrey leaves and steam them for a few minutes wrapped in a gauze and placed onrepparttar 115927 breast are very helpful relieving engorgement.

² Takerepparttar 115928 homeopathic remedy Belladonna 6X.

² Soak a towel in hot water and place it onrepparttar 115929 breast ten minutes before feeding.


Written by Phil Weaver

SECRETS OF ANCIENT KUNG FU SOLVE MODERN FITNESS PROBLEM Finally,repparttar gap between intense martial arts aerobics and soft soothing exercise programs which elongaterepparttar 115886 muscles, such as yoga and Pilate's, has been bridged. A martial arts aerobic has been created that hasrepparttar 115887 intensity and an extreme workout likerepparttar 115888 popular kick boxing type programs but with a soft fluid motion that is natural torepparttar 115889 body. Withrepparttar 115890 popularity of Tae Bo, Cardio Kickbox, Cardio Karate, and lots of other similar programs there has been an increase in injuries. Exercisers are turning up with muscle strains, painful hips, back injuries, and overextended knees and elbows. The routines in these programs require thatrepparttar 115891 practitioner is already flexible and conditioned for that type of activity. They use a lot of ballistic type stretching which specialists inrepparttar 115892 field have deemed unsafe. Even a few professional athletes have been injured. These programs, however, have some great benefits also. Mainly, they focus onrepparttar 115893 larger muscle groups giving a more intense cardiovascular workout. They have a mental intensity; i.e. you can visualize an opponent and what you're doing to him. Also, they are more likely to attract men, who have shied away from traditional aerobics. They really are a great exercise. With all ofrepparttar 115894 injuries related to these systems,repparttar 115895 softer programs have seen a resurgence. Yoga has once again become popular. Pilate's, which was designed for injured dancers, is onrepparttar 115896 upswing. But these can't giverepparttar 115897 workout that martial arts aerobics can.

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