Breast Reduction Procedures on the Rise

Written by The Centre P.C.

Elkhart, IN — Having overly large breasts is often painful and uncomfortable. Whenrepparttar condition is left untreated, women may experience several medical concerns caused byrepparttar 113944 excess weight. Such problems can include back and neck pain, skin irritation, skeletal deformities and breathing problems. Fortunately, more women are beginning to understand they don’t need to suffer in silence. Last year,repparttar 113945 number of breast reduction procedures increased 11 percent, according torepparttar 113946 American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), with 113,140 procedures performed in 2003. Breast reductions (as well as other breast procedures) also are often performed on women who have been treated for breast cancer to achieve symmetry after mastectomy. In fact, federal law requires insurance companies to coverrepparttar 113947 cost of reconstructive breast surgery for women who have undergone a mastectomy.

“Breast reductions have been extremely successful for women with very large, pendulous breasts who have experienced medical problems,” said Dr. Patrick Viscardi, MD. “Most women wanting a breast reduction are in search of physical relief verses cosmetic improvement.”

Reduction mammoplasty isrepparttar 113948 technical term for what is more commonly known as breast reduction surgery. Insurance companies sometimes pay forrepparttar 113949 procedure depending onrepparttar 113950 particular medical problems caused byrepparttar 113951 condition.

What Is Reflexology?

Written by D. Braun

Forrepparttar Reflexologist,repparttar 113943 feet are a microcosm ofrepparttar 113944 human body and every organ and body part is represented inrepparttar 113945 feet. Where there are two organs inrepparttar 113946 body they will be represented on both feet, e.g. lungs and kidney and where there is only one organ, this will be represented on one foot, e.g.repparttar 113947 liver will be onrepparttar 113948 right foot whilerepparttar 113949 heart will be onrepparttar 113950 left. Whererepparttar 113951 organ or body part is reflected inrepparttar 113952 feet, this is calledrepparttar 113953 "organ" reflex, e.g.repparttar 113954 heart reflex.

The right foot representsrepparttar 113955 right side ofrepparttar 113956 body as well asrepparttar 113957 past whilerepparttar 113958 left foot representsrepparttar 113959 left side ofrepparttar 113960 body as well asrepparttar 113961 present and future.

Each foot has over 7,000 nerve endings, 26 bones, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles. This type of drugless therapy creates a physiological change inrepparttar 113962 body by naturally improving your circulation, which reduces our body tension and enhances relaxation. It aids inrepparttar 113963 elimination ofrepparttar 113964 body waste and restoringrepparttar 113965 body functions to better health.


By stimulating reflexes onrepparttar 113966 feet with a type of pressure massage,repparttar 113967 organs ofrepparttar 113968 body are stimulated, thus allowing them to start unblocking and healing themselves. In addition to this,repparttar 113969 stimulation of these reflexes allowsrepparttar 113970 body to begin detoxing and eliminating poisons which have built up through bad diet, thinking and habit.

Centuries ago, man mapped out a healing energy that circulates throughrepparttar 113971 body on specific pathways. This energy we call "life force" or "vital energy". This force can be "tapped" at more than 800 points in your body.

Ancient medical philosophy teaches that to obtain and maintain health, which isrepparttar 113972 balance and maintenance of harmony withinrepparttar 113973 body, there must be a free and unimpeded circulation of energy flowing throughrepparttar 113974 body's organs.

Traditional medicine, not only ofrepparttar 113975 Chinese, but fromrepparttar 113976 use of Acupuncture in other countries as well, we learn that traditional medicine is based onrepparttar 113977 belief thatrepparttar 113978 body's blood circulation followsrepparttar 113979 flow of energy. If this energy circulation, which follows circulates freely in an endless cycle fromrepparttar 113980 main organs throughrepparttar 113981 channels beneathrepparttar 113982 skin, is blocked at some point, thenrepparttar 113983 circulation is impaired.

This blockage results in a deficient oxygenation ofrepparttar 113984 tissues aroundrepparttar 113985 affected area and throwsrepparttar 113986 body off balance. This imbalance produces malfunctioning not only ofrepparttar 113987 tissues surrounding it, but, if not corrected, spreads to related organs nearby.

Tapping this healing current can bring prompt and natural relief from practically all of your aches and pains, chronic or acute, byrepparttar 113988 simple process of workingrepparttar 113989 'reflex buttons' located in your hands, feet and/or body.

Stimulating, pressing or 'working' a reflex point (or button) connected to a particular body organ, system or part sends a surge of healing energy for prompt relief of a condition. Working a reflex also loosens and flushes out crystals and blockages withinrepparttar 113990 body's energy channels allowingrepparttar 113991 life force or vital energy to resume its free and natural flow throughrepparttar 113992 channels. This encouragesrepparttar 113993 body to swing back into its normal balance, so harmony and health are again established.

This method of restoringrepparttar 113994 body to normal functioning involves no expense, no special equipment (although reflex tools can be utilized and do help save wear and tear on your finger and thumb joints!), no drugs or medication. The results are amazingly fast, bringing relief often in a matter of seconds.

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