Breakin' It Down by Cathy Bryant Copyright 2003 http://www.homebizjunction.comI've recently begun working with individuals one-on-one who are truly interested in earning an income from
internet in
comfort of their own home. A common complaint I hear from them is that they are constantly overwhelmed by
enormous amount of information that they are bombarded with each and every day.
This is understandable; everyone has faced it.
Those who have been successful online, however, have done so because of a simple process - narrowing their focus.
In any business, this is necessary. But online, it is critical for success.
There are a lot of people who are working from home, and not all of them are earning their income solely from
internet. Some have businesses that are run completely offline, and many have both online and offline components.
For purposes of this article, however, I'd like to address those whose goal it is to work completely online, since that seems to be ideally what most people wish to do.
So what works best?
Many things, but I believe that
vast majority of truly successful online businesses fall into one of three groups:
Network Marketing Information Products Affiliate Program Promotion
Some successful entrepreneurs have incoroporated two and sometimes all three into their businesses.
Why did I single these three out?
Simple. The great majority of home-based online entrepreneurs I've ever read about, heard of or communicated with has achieved their success through at least one of these three methods.
Let's break it down further -
Network Marketing - with all its bad press, network marketing is indeed a viable business model. The power of
internet to disperse information quickly and efficiently is ideal for those who enjoy working with others one-on-one. But that is key, for network marketing is still a person to person business, any way you look at it. The internet simply makes it easier and more cost efficient.
The key to network marketing success is to choose wisely. Rather than join
latest and greatest matrix program being touted as
fastest way to internet riches, look for a company whose products truly fill a need and who has been in business for at least five years. There are a lot of companies who have been in business for many years and who are now offering an internet presence for their distributors and customers.
Information Products - The internet is all about information. We all know that some individuals over
years have amassed small fortunes selling information to highly targeted groups. It is only natural that this type of business would move seamlessly to
online world. Even more significant for those in
information business is
fact that they can operate online at significantly reduced operating costs, thereby increasing their profits.