Break Out Of The Comfort Zone

Written by Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy

Break Out Ofrepparttar Comfort Zone

How many times have you checked your e-mail lately?

How many times have you rearranged your desk?

Perhaps you've decided to make a few phone calls to friends you haven't talked to in a while?

Everyone has something called "The Comfort Zone." It's only human for us to do whatever we can to stay in The Comfort Zone. Whether that is cleaning up your office, checking your e-mail or an innumerable number of other things, The Comfort Zone will hold you back from achieving your true potential.

Look at it another way - every moment you spend doing those things that you're comfortable with could be another moment you spend honingrepparttar 116468 skills that will drive you to success.

So how do you identify The Comfort Zone? Easy - what task do you fearrepparttar 116469 most about your home based business? Now, ask yourself this question, "What do you do when you don't want to do this task?"

Senior Approved Certification

Written by Barbara Mascio

A Certification that drives Seniors,repparttar Adult Children ofrepparttar 116467 Elderly and Key Referral Sources Directly to You

Finally, a simple comprehensive service is available for bothrepparttar 116468 care recipient andrepparttar 116469 provider of elder care services. Quality Care Options (QCO) serves all those involved in elder care, including discharge planners, social workers, physicians, adult children ofrepparttar 116470 seniors, employers with a unique work/life benefit service, and of course,repparttar 116471 senior.

Quality Care Options launched as a method to advocate forrepparttar 116472 right of all seniors to receive excellent care and to most importantly, remain safe inrepparttar 116473 receiving of that care.

To accomplish this goal, Quality Care Options, has developedrepparttar 116474 industry’s first consumer driven survey process. “Who better to attest to your ability to provide quality care for our seniors, day in and day out, thanrepparttar 116475 actual seniors that have used (or are currently using) your service?” says Barbara Mascio, founder and president of QCO.

Businesses that serverepparttar 116476 senior and/orrepparttar 116477 seniors’ family include a variety of both medical and non-medical resources. A senior may need assistance at home with light housekeeping and may need sidewalks cleared of snow. A senior may need nursing or rehabilitation care and may need a maid service or a financial planner skilled with elder care issues.

The senior, or most likely,repparttar 116478 adult child ofrepparttar 116479 senior is tasked with discerning betweenrepparttar 116480 multiple businesses available. What sets a business apart? How doesrepparttar 116481 average consumer choose between one home care or one assisted living facility over another?

“Any business that has been awardedrepparttar 116482 Certification as a Senior Approved Service can be trusted and we feel quite comfortable putting our reputation onrepparttar 116483 line recommending these services to our clients,” says Ms. Mascio.

In this day of lawsuits one wonders, how a company feels comfortable referring to any business. In fact, it has become common for discharge planners and other health care professionals, to simply hand a family an alphabetized list of services without havingrepparttar 116484 freedom to personally recommend one service over another.

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