Branding on the Web is like Mining for Fools Gold

Written by Lee Traupel

I am sick and tired of marketing geeks toutingrepparttar beauty of branding, brand building and just spouting branding in any context, especially whenrepparttar 121743 term is used with "internet" or "web" or "digital!" You can't have a conversation today for more than five minutes without some marketing type throwing in a line about brand building!

Branding doesn't work withrepparttar 121744 net's warp speed - look at some ofrepparttar 121745 leading online brand builders, including a certain big three TV network here inrepparttar 121746 states and a book seller in Seattle trying to do classic brand extension, from books to barbecues.

We tell our B2B clients to build a revenue-producing online brand by developing a campaign that sellsrepparttar 121747 value of their goods or services! Forgetrepparttar 121748 esoteric, very expensive brand building campaigns that have no measurable impact! Here are my ten "cliff notes" to building an effective B2B Brand Online, B2C coming next article.

1)Do a careful Competitive Web Analysis of your competitors – you can't build a unique brand without knowingrepparttar 121749 lay ofrepparttar 121750 digital and realworld land! The beauty ofrepparttar 121751 web is that it is a 247/365 resource for analysis and you can find out quite a lot from your competitor's web sites. We've created a comprehensive matrix of 75-200 items to assess when preparing a competitive analysis report for a client.

2)Identify your target audience early on as everything flows from this. You can't conceptualize your creative, graphical imagery, content or what type of online media you want to deploy until you knowrepparttar 121752 size and characteristics of your target audience.

3)Think revenue producing branding – this translates to marketing campaigns that deliver sales (the goal of all good marketing campaigns) by customer acquisition. Meaning, develop messages that speak to your audience. B2B customers typically want referenceable data that addresses their needs. "Our xyz services help you leverage your IT resources by…." Think providing tactical information to enhance their decision-making!

4)If your early to market or just plain old early stage then you may want to develop some branding with other complementary partners who have established names (brands) in your market segment. This can include joint announcements, co-branded pages; direct marketing or opt-in e-mail pieces, etc. Here's an example of a co-branded page we did for an existing client, PolyServe, Inc.

Relationship Marketing Online

Written by Merle

Forming good relationships is a part of life; not only for ourselves but for our businesses. You should be thinking of your customers as long-term clients, not just one time sales. When you work hard at forming good relationships with them, you'll find they come back and buy from you again and again.

Remember this: It's much easier to sell to an existing client then to find a new one. It's also less expensive. Another "perk" of making them happy is they'll refer their friends and associates to you, which is great for business. Referrals are like a "personal endorsement" of your work. Byrepparttar time a referral calls you, he's already partially sold on using your products or services. In essencerepparttar 121742 referral has given your companyrepparttar 121743 "stamp of approval."

So how do you go about forming relationships with clients? Well, first of all you need to care about their wants and needs -- not appear to care, but really care. In our rush-rush hurry-up society, personalized care is hard to find. If you care, you'll stand out fromrepparttar 121744 crowd and be remembered in your customer's mind when he needs another service or product like yours inrepparttar 121745 future. The point is to establish long term bonds with them.

There are a variety of things you can easily incorporate into your "relationship marketing plan" on a daily basis:

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