Branding Versus Search Engine Optimization

Written by Kevin S. Kantola

Branding versus search engine optimization is a marketing dilemma that larger companies will need to come to grips with onrepparttar Internet. Often companies will need to decide whether to promote their own brand name as their main keyword phrase or optimize for a more generic keyword phrase. For instance, one search engine report states that 1.3 million visitors per month search forrepparttar 127932 term "Best Buy." This same report states thatrepparttar 127933 term "electronics" is searched for by 1.1 visitors per month. The obvious choice in this scenario is for Best Buy to optimize for their own brand name first andrepparttar 127934 word "electronics" second.

But take a competitor such as Fry's Electronics. Approximately 95,000 visitors search forrepparttar 127935 term "Fry's" every month, far short of those who search for "electronics". Does this mean Fry's Electronics (a partner with should optimize for "electronics" first and Fry's (and/or second?

Currently, a search on Google for "electronics" will show that Best Buy does not show up inrepparttar 127936 first two pages. Fry's ( is onrepparttar 127937 second page. But let's take a further look to see who is inrepparttar 127938 number 1 position: Sony.

Sony, with 450,000 searches per month forrepparttar 127939 word "sony", has managed to grabrepparttar 127940 number one spot for its brand name andrepparttar 127941 generic name "electronics". A search ofrepparttar 127942 Sony homepage source code will reveal that this page is optimized for both words, "Sony" and "electronics." By optimizing for both words Sony has nabbed a lot of traffic neglected by Best Buy and perhaps even exceeds Best Buys traffic in doing this.

Make The Search Engines Love Your Site

Written by Matt Colyer

Most webmasters have no idea on how to make a search engine friendly web site. If you are one of them this will all change by following these steps below.

1. Research keywords - Before you start to build your web site you should research your keywords or your site may get hurt inrepparttar short term. Userepparttar 127931 keyword research tool, use Overture to researchrepparttar 127932 most popular keywords that are related to your site. Overture will show you how much traffic each keyword has got inrepparttar 127933 past 30 days.

2. Create a list of about 50 to 100 keywords that you can include within your web pages. After having completedrepparttar 127934 above research, you should have foundrepparttar 127935 keywords that were searched on most frequently, but few competing sites.

3. Write a paragraph of at least 250, but better with 500 words of text forrepparttar 127936 top of each web page. Put your keywords within this text, but be careful because you could repeat your keywords to much and make surerepparttar 127937 paragraph makes sense with all those keywords, remember visitors are more important thenrepparttar 127938 search engines.

4. Optimize meta tags - Meta tags have lost there touch with most search engines, but they still help! The most important meta tags arerepparttar 127939 keyword and description meta tags. Include your keywords within each of these meta tags. Your keyword meta tag should includerepparttar 127940 most frequently used keywords contained within your web page, but keep it short to about 10 to 15.

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