Bosco Goes To Work?

Written by Pat Murray

A Job or a J.OB.?

Bosco has a job. His boss, Mr. Crabapple, seems to have hemorrhoids everyday. When they kick up, old Crabapple gives all his employees, well, grief!

Fang atrepparttar next desk at Bosco's job, thinks Bosco has lost his mind. How dare any of Fang's friends think they could make something of themselves! Working all day at work, then "working" at home with that "home-based" stuff.

Bosco's job stands for "Just Over Broke". He has dreams of sending his kids to college and taking a trip to Australia. Even his wife thinks he's nuts. And Fang? Well, lets just say he's doubtful of Bosco's sanity.

Who wouldn't want to be tied to a job? Of course, ifrepparttar 117706 company decides to downsize, your job is safe, right? Think again. Just ask those folks at a certain company in repparttar 117707 last month if their job was safe.

Time off? Forget it if Mr. Crabapple's son wantsrepparttar 117708 same days off. Guess who's getting what time off? Not you, buddy boy!

Will Home-based Work Be Easier?

Yes and no.

Bosco has his job, and is working from home. He works 8 hours, then comes home and spends several hours on his home-based business. Fang thinks he is too busy.

Bosco knows his plan, and is working it. In a year or so, he can replace his income at Crabapple Incorporated with his home business. Thenrepparttar 117709 commute will be about ten seconds. Fromrepparttar 117710 bathroom to his computer and phone.

The Key Ingredients for Internet Success

Written by Shelley Lowery

The Internet has opened a whole New World of opportunity for evenrepparttar smallest home-based business owner. There are countless numbers of new self-made millionaires that achieved their newfound success onrepparttar 117705 Internet. These new millionaires are no different from you and I. They started their Internet businesses fromrepparttar 117706 ground up, found a niche and built their success one day at a time.

“Can I really make money onrepparttar 117707 Internet?” The fact ofrepparttar 117708 matter is that you really can make money onrepparttar 117709 Internet -- a lot of money. You simply must takerepparttar 117710 necessary steps to make it happen. You must have a sincere desire to succeed andrepparttar 117711 attitude for success.

If you are sincerely passionate about your success, you will succeed -- it's that simple.

The true secret to creating a successful Internet business, is pure determination. Most people fail just atrepparttar 117712 moment they are about to succeed. Why? -- Because they give up. They lackrepparttar 117713 true passion that it takes to succeed. As long as you keep trying, you'll never fail.

Below, is list of what I feel arerepparttar 117714 most important ingredients for Internet success:

Sincere Passion

In order to be successful, you must be completely passionate about your business and your success. If you don't have a "sincere" passion, you won't haverepparttar 117715 necessary personal drive that it takes to succeed.

Your Own Domain (

Businesses hosted on a free server are not taken seriously and are generally considered to be unprofessional. If a company doesn't care enough about its business to get its own domain name, potential customers may not feel comfortable doing business with them. A company with its own domain name and a professional looking website will have a much higher rate of success when compared with most business sites hosted on free servers.

Professional Website

Your website is a direct reflection of you and your business. Creating a professional website designed to sell will take a great deal of time and effort, as there is much more to take into consideration than design. You must look at a much broader picture and specifically design your website to sell.

Quality Content

In order to create a steady stream of traffic to your website, you must give your visitors a reason to visit and continue to visit inrepparttar 117716 future. You must provide your visitors with fresh content on a continual basis.

Targeted Traffic

No matter how great your website is, unless you're receiving quality, targeted traffic, it will be useless. Your website may receive hundreds of visitors each day. However, if they aren't interested inrepparttar 117717 products or services you're offering, your web traffic won't mean a thing. You must drive a continuous stream of targeted traffic to your website.

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