Boring Ol' Cardio

Written by The Icon Diet Reader

By: The Icon Diet Reader

Cardio is a very important aspect of any work out. There are numerous benefits to a good cardio routine. Inrepparttar real world, there are many ways to get a good cardio workout. You can jog, play sports and get chased byrepparttar 112912 police. Inrepparttar 112913 gym cardio usually revolves around a handful of machines. There arerepparttar 112914 stair climbers or steppers,repparttar 112915 elliptical trainers, tread mills, and bicycles. That's about it. A good cardio routine can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and is really intensive. The problem is that when you are on a cardio machine, you dorepparttar 112916 same thing over and over. What I am trying to say is that for most of us cardio gets boring after about five minutes. Don't lie, you know what I am talking about. The best I have every heard about cardio is ‘I don't mind it.' In other words, I get really bored, but I will keep doing it cause it works.

Being bored is horrible. Being Bored is even worse when you know you have another 25 min left andrepparttar 112917 seconds crawl by like eons. So what gives. Why does cardio have to be so boring? I think it's a safety issue. Inrepparttar 112918 real world if you go running or play soccer for example, you environment and all its inputs are constantly changing; you run by different scenery, you missrepparttar 112919 shot on goal. These changing characteristics are what makerepparttar 112920 whole process fun. Inrepparttar 112921 gym, however, since space is limited, you have to do your cardio rooted to one spot. Very little happens to your environment to elevaterepparttar 112922 boredom. Imagine though, if you could have allrepparttar 112923 excitement of a soccer game while sitting on a recumbent health cycle? At first you may think it's a great and fun idea. No more boring cardio! Think about it and it becomes a little terrifying. The sheer amount of stimuli hitting you from all angles, your mind would exhaust quickly and you would runrepparttar 112924 risk of injury (not to mention getting overwhelmed). That is why cardio machines are so boring. They design them to be boring so you don't hurt yourself. So when you climb up onto your favorite elliptical trainer, remember that its boring for a reason.

Thinking Too Much: How to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight

Written by The Icon Diet Reader

By: Icon Diet Reader

It's winter and it's cold. Inrepparttar winterrepparttar 112911 mornings are very humbling. The nights are long,repparttar 112912 floor is cold and it sucks leavingrepparttar 112913 house inrepparttar 112914 dark. Gettingrepparttar 112915 morning paper involves a blast of cold air fromrepparttar 112916 front door that really motivates one to crawl back into bed. It's days like these that getting beyondrepparttar 112917 duvet is hard. It's even harder to drag yourself throughrepparttar 112918 wintry morning torepparttar 112919 gym. It'srepparttar 112920 kind of thing I think about before I go to bed. I think about it when I'm waking up and I really think about it when I am trudging throughrepparttar 112921 icy air en route torepparttar 112922 gym. But see that'srepparttar 112923 problem. I think about it too much. Imagine if you could wake up every day with a clean slate and not rememberrepparttar 112924 bone shaking cold and wind chill. Imagine you could only retainrepparttar 112925 positive memories of working out and improving your overall fitness. Then getting out of bed even onrepparttar 112926 coldest, most miserable days, would be easy. Instead we have to fight tooth and nail to resistrepparttar 112927 urge to go back to bed. It's our minds that want to be cozy.

For a fair portion of North America, this article will have little barring on your life as you fortunate few live in more temperate climates. But you look beyondrepparttar 112928 references to cold and see that what is really at stake isrepparttar 112929 ability of our minds to convince us that going torepparttar 112930 gym is just far too difficult. It may not be a weather issue but your mind is a creative thing and will find some creative ways keep you fromrepparttar 112931 gym.

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