Boomerang, Don't Ricochet your Web Site Visitors

Written by Judy Cullins

Boomerang, Don't Ricochet your Web Site Visitors Judy Cullins © 2003 All Rights Reserved.

You don't win your Web site visitors' trust right away. It may take from 4-7 visits before they buy. You must always give them a reason to buy, and not offend them in any way because they will ricochet to other sites. Here's some ways to get people to keep coming back to your site:

1. Upload new, original, and useful content often.

On every Web page put a notice: "Bookmark Our Site". We update material weekly. Then deliver your promise and upload those free articles, book excerpts and tips. Blatant ads such as banners turn visitors off. Give them original information they can't find anywhere else.

2. Give information away for free.

People want and expect free information on your Web site. After realizing your value as an expert, they will start to trust you, and eventually buy from you.

3. Publish your own ezine.

Target it to your specific audience. If you help people findrepparttar best career for them, collect emails from people looking to change careers.

Start with a monthly ezine, then see if you can do it bi-weekly. If you don't stay in regular touch with your possible buyers they will forget you and your products. People want to connect Online so they can trust you as their savvy friend. If they like your ezine they will recommend it to others.

4. Give people a reason to go to your site.

In your ezine, before you include your featured article, column, or other tips, place nearrepparttar 124934 top of it: Three Reasons to Visit My Site: Then give them an offer they can't refuse such as a free eReport or eBook. Next, follow that with other specials or discount offers you want to sell this particular month such as "Create Passive and Active Income with eBooks."

Ten Steps To Prepare Yourself for Online Marketing

Written by Judy Cullins

Ten Steps To Prepare Yourself for Online Marketing Judy Cullins c. 2003 All Rights Reserved

Still marketing through press releases, networking groups, and talks to groups? If these ways have brought you few clients or product sales, you may now be ready for your virtual marketing machine,repparttar Internet!

To get ready followrepparttar 124933 following ten tips.

1. Buy an up-to-date computer with a 56k modem and Internet capability.

2. Open an email account. Bypassrepparttar 124934 freebies, because you need an email account from which you can send an attachment. You want to look professional. Don't use confusing letters and numbers. Use your name plus business key word such as

3. Educate yourself about email,repparttar 124935 Internet, and your own computer program. Take a community college or adult school computer and Internet program at low cost or free. You'll notice many others like yourself there, eager to learn. More advanced students will help you each step ofrepparttar 124936 way.

4. Hire a one-on-one low-cost computer/internet coach, who can give you individual lessons if you don't want to attend seminars. They can help you proceed successfully with your eBusiness. Call your local high schools, computer schools or colleges for computer-savvy student who will be happy to receive $8 an hour..

Connect with teachers, career centers, or student centers to startrepparttar 124937 ball rolling. Tell them you want an assistant. Make an ad that listsrepparttar 124938 capabilities you need.Be sure to follow up because schools are less business oriented and may not call you back.

5. Hire a virtual assistant because you are not only a coach, speaker orauthor, you are a business! These assistants can send out emails, create appropriate folders of important contacts and lists, send out appropriate email and keep everything up-to-date and organized.

Make them part of your virtual marketing machine at a very low cost. Use them as much as you want to expand your success. You will look like a successful professional by adding new part- time staff. Start with 6-9 hours a week, and watch your clients and product sales grow!

6. Offer more than just one product to your potential buyers. Part ofrepparttar 124939 plan is to allow automatic, ongoing sells for your lifetime, either on your Web site or other seller sites. If you plan to write a book, write a short one first. Then, expand as you can. Publishing a short book is savvy business because you start making money right away to fund your other projects. Divide and conquer. Think of chapter excerpts, articles, tips, or how-to lists you can email free to prospective buyers.

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