Books, Trend-spotting & the Gubernatorial Race

Written by Penny C. Sansevieri

Ok I admit it. I'm a Californian. We live in shorts, we dine at juice bars and our politics are nothing short of, well, a Hollywood movie. If you've been shaking your head wondering how someone with a narrow political background could be elected to a state boasting on ofrepparttar 10th largest economy inrepparttar 100802 world, joinrepparttar 100803 club. That, my fellow savvy book promoters, is a campaign we could all learn from.

Schwarzenegger is a guy who, while being well-known inrepparttar 100804 movie world, is far less well-known in politics. During campaigning, he carefully avoided addressing issues Californians wanted to hear about. Nor did he ever stand on any one particular political platform. So, how did he win? He found a need and filled it. With recent indicators showing Californians leavingrepparttar 100805 Golden State at alarming numbers, we desperately needed a boost.

Schwarzenegger's media team saw a need and filled it with an action hero who vowed to "terminate" traditional politics. Whether you believe Arnold will be a good governor or not, you have to admit he ran one heck of an amazing campaign.

While most of us can't affordrepparttar 100806 pro team Arnold could, we can still effect changes in our book promotion campaigns that will turnrepparttar 100807 tide in our favor. It's called trend-spotting. Many people make their living trend-spotting, and you can dorepparttar 100808 same thing with a few clicks onrepparttar 100809 web. Take a look at or You want to anticipate a need and fill it.

To stay ahead ofrepparttar 100810 trends, our team at Authors Services spends considerable time brainstorming recent issues and how they'll affect various areas of our everyday life. These emerging trends are what we focus on as we prepare or launch a campaign.

If you're planning to write a book or preparing to work on your book promotion, take some time to study trends in your area of expertise. How will these trends look twelve or twenty-four months from now? How will that affect book sales downrepparttar 100811 road? For example:

Escapism:repparttar 100812 new vacation. Many of us no longer have time for two week vacations. Instead, we're opting for one day outings and novels to give us that quick "out" when we need it. Does your book provide a mini-vacation for readers?

Create "Top sites" to increase your traffic.

Written by Oleg Lazarenko

You have a website, beautiful in design and unique in content but nobody knows about it. How to drive traffic to your website easy and free? There are many ways to do that but today I want you to tell about "Top Sites" software.

I'm sure your website is unique in content but it definitely has competitors through outrepparttar Internet and probably it has other websites close to its field but not competing with one you have. How do like an idea to place your banner or text ad onrepparttar 100801 pages of those websites? I bet you love it! Let me explain how you can do that. First of all you need to download and install on your server a piece of software that will allow you to track visitors from other sites. Other website owners should come to your website and sign up to get html code for button to be displayed on their websites. You may write them email to invite them to come to your website and register. Good explanation how both sites benefit from this step in that email may help a lot but be careful, email should be as personalized as possible as some webmasters may consider it spam and act accordingly reporting to your Hosting Provider.

Well, you have installed and got webmasters signed up what next? Sit back and enjoy. Each time somebody fromrepparttar 100802 others websites visitors clicks on your button it will be counted as a voice for that website. The more visitors website sendsrepparttar 100803 higher position it may gain in your listing and finally get more visitors from your website. I would call this strategy "visitors sharing". If somebody wants to leave your website it is be better to drive them to other websites withrepparttar 100804 benefit to your website then to make them simply close browser window, don't you think so?

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