Book Summary : The E-Myth Revisited

Written by Regine Azurin

This article is based onrepparttar following book: The E-Myth Revisited Why Most Small Business Don't Work and What to Do About It By Micheal Gerber Published by Harper Business, 2003 ISBN 0967450659 278 pages

Ever wonder why most small businesses-- no matter how huge effort they put in their endeavor--still fail? Micheal Gerber revealsrepparttar 103054 answers in this book. Accordingly,repparttar 103055 future of small businesses revolve in only three philosophies:repparttar 103056 e-myth (entrepreneurial myth),repparttar 103057 turn-key revolution, andrepparttar 103058 business development process.

The E-myth

The e-myth, orrepparttar 103059 entrepreneurial myth, evolved from one very fatal assumption-- thatrepparttar 103060 success of every business is simply achieved by summing uprepparttar 103061 following: an entrepreneur's desire to own a business plusrepparttar 103062 certain amount of capital he puts in plusrepparttar 103063 knowingrepparttar 103064 amount of targeted profit.

Little didrepparttar 103065 entrepreneurs know that this assumption spell DISASTER rather than SUCCESS. Entrepreneurs need to learn to focus more onrepparttar 103066 business—the people involved in it andrepparttar 103067 phases it normally undergoes. Knowledge on these can save small businesses from experiencing entrepreneurial seizure—a stage wherein an entrepreneur goes through feeling of exhilaration, exhaustion, and despair.

Small businesses basically consist of three main characters namely:repparttar 103068 technician (the doer and builder), repparttar 103069 manager (the planner), andrepparttar 103070 entrepreneur (the dreamer, visionary). Moreover, small businesses have different life phases. These are: infancy (the technician's phase); adolescence (getting some help phase); beyondrepparttar 103071 comfort zone; and, maturity andrepparttar 103072 entrepreneurial perspective.

The Turn-key Revolution

As implied byrepparttar 103073 term itself, Turn-key Revolution speaks ofrepparttar 103074 distinct transformations onrepparttar 103075 way businesses are managed and should be managed. One very prominent example isrepparttar 103076 introduction of McDonalds repparttar 103077 idea of business format franchise torepparttar 103078 business world.

The business format franchise has set dramatic turn around onrepparttar 103079 future of small businesses. Here,repparttar 103080 franchisor entitlesrepparttar 103081 franchisee to owning rights to his entire business system. This format is anchored on repparttar 103082 belief thatrepparttar 103083 real product of a business is its sales technique rather than what it sells.

The Business Development Process

The business development process isrepparttar 103084 response torepparttar 103085 unending dynamism ofrepparttar 103086 business world. It equipsrepparttar 103087 entrepreneur withrepparttar 103088 necessary tools to preemptrepparttar 103089 continuous changes happening around. The process is comprised of three elemental stages: innovation, quantification and orchestration.

Professional Business Plans

Written by Ken Austin

You know you need a business plan. You probably realize that it is one ofrepparttar best ways to get your business up and running. No matter what your business is, a business plan can help to focus its direction while providingrepparttar 103053 information you need to get moving. The most important thing a business plan will do is to provide your financial backers with a reason to give you their approval. It will show them how you plan to work your business.

So, how will you know what to write in your business plan? Do you knowrepparttar 103054 first thing about writing a business plan? It may seem like an overwhelming task to try to figure out what to write for your personal business plan. You may have attempted to take out a few books atrepparttar 103055 library or even asked a friend to help you. But, are you satisfied that your business plan will be successful? Remember, you only get one chance to WOW people, sorepparttar 103056 first business plan they see will berepparttar 103057 one they remember. What if it’s just not good enough?

Okay, that’s enough worrying! It is time to act! Your first order of business is to decide what your business goals are. Once you have a basic idea of what you need, you can then do several things to determine what type of business plan you need as well as where to get it. One ofrepparttar 103058 best things you can do when in need of a business plan is to hire a qualified, experienced business plan service.

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