Book Summary: The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player

Written by By: Regine Azurin

A follow-up companion reader to The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, here is a clear character profile ofrepparttar ideal Team Player. Maxwell stresses some main qualities of a good team player: intentional, or she is focused on repparttar 105233 big picture, relational, focused on others, selfless, willing to take a backseat forrepparttar 105234 good ofrepparttar 105235 team, and tenacious - works hard to overcome obstacles, no matter what.

1. Adaptable: If you won't change forrepparttar 105236 team,repparttar 105237 team may change youTeam players who are most likely to become adaptable possessrepparttar 105238 following characteristics: a) they are highly teachable; b) they are emotionally secure; c) they are creative; and, d) they are service-minded individuals.

To achieve such characteristic,repparttar 105239 following are recommended: a) get intorepparttar 105240 habit of learning; b) reevaluate your role onrepparttar 105241 team; and, c)think outsiderepparttar 105242 lines.

2. Collaborative: Working together precedes winning together Collaboration isrepparttar 105243 key word when it comes to meeting challenges as a team. Cooperation is merely working together agreeably, but collaborating means working together more aggressively. Every team player must bring something more torepparttar 105244 table, and not just put in his minimum required work.

A collaborative team player needs to change in four key areas: a) Perception; b) Attitude; c) Focus; and, d) Results

3. Committed: There are no halfhearted champions Commitment usually is discovered inrepparttar 105245 midst of adversity. Committed people don't surrender easily. It does not depend on gifts or abilities. Rather, it isrepparttar 105246 result of choice. Commitment lasts when it's based on values. If it's something you believe in, it's easier to keep.

To improverepparttar 105247 level of commitment, one must:

- Tie commitments to values. - Take a risk. - Evaluate teammates' commitment.

4. Communicative: A team is many voices with a single heartCommunicative team players do not isolate themselves from others; make it easy for teammates to communicate with them; followrepparttar 105248 twenty-four hour rule; give attention to potentially difficult relationships; and, follow up important communication in writing. To improve communication one is expected to: a) be candid; b) be quick; and, c) be inclusive.

5. Competent: If you can't, your team won't Competent does not mean simply having adequate skills to perform a job. It meansrepparttar 105249 individual must be highly qualified to dorepparttar 105250 job well. To improverepparttar 105251 level of competence, one must: a) focus yourself professionally; b) sweatrepparttar 105252 small stuff; c) give more attention to implementation.

6. Dependable: Teams go to Go-To players

The essence of dependability:

- Pure motives. If there are no hidden agendasrepparttar 105253 team will make progress. - The ability to take on responsibility. The team player must wantrepparttar 105254 ball and be able to sink it inrepparttar 105255 basket and score. - Sound thinking and good judgment, when it counts. - Consistent contribution, no matter how tired, overwhelmed or distracted, you must be able to deliver.

To improve dependability one must: a) check your motives; b) discover what your word is worth.; and, c) find someone to hold you accountable.

7. Disciplined: Where there's a will, there's a win Discipline is doing what you really don't want to do, so that you can do what you really want to do. It means payingrepparttar 105256 price so you can haverepparttar 105257 reward later. To becomerepparttar 105258 kind of players teams want, people must develop discipline in three areas.

- Disciplined thinking. Keep your mind active, and always think aboutrepparttar 105259 right things. - Disciplined emotions. Either you master your emotions, or be mastered by them. - Disciplined actions. Action separatesrepparttar 105260 winners fromrepparttar 105261 losers. When people act on what they must do, it is forrepparttar 105262 benefit of all those onrepparttar 105263 team.

8. Enlarging Adding value to teammates is invaluable

Team members love a player who is able to inspire them to become more successful. Team players who enlarge their teammates share common characteristics:

- Enlargers value their teammates. - Enlargers value what their teammates value. - Enlargers add value to their teammates. - Enlargers make themselves more valuable.

How do we become Enlargers?

- Believe in others before they believe in you. - Serve others before they serve you. - Add value to others before they add value to you.

Point out your teammates' strengths, encourage and motivate them out of their comfort zone, but within their gift zone.

9. Enthusiastic: Your heart isrepparttar 105264 source of energy forrepparttar 105265 team People who bring an enthusiastic attitude to teamwork often.

- Take responsibility for their own enthusiasm. - Act their way into feeling. The only way to begin is simply to begin! - Believe in what they are doing. - Spend time with enthusiastic people. Enthusiasm is contagious.

Book Summary: Self Motivation

Written by By: Regine Azurin

Gail Lindenfield is a well-known British author who has written several self-help books. In Self Motivation, she does a good job of going over many aspects of self development and she provides solutions to a variety of everyday problems.

Challenges - make sure that are truly enjoyable and thatrepparttar outcome is worthrepparttar 105230 risk. Success is built on an astute ability to synchronize challenge and chance.

Risk - before taking a risk, imagine and facerepparttar 105231 worst possible outcome.

Principles - before starting a project-list your principles and ideals. Keep a clear distinction between core (unbending) values and more flexible ones.

Fear - learn to take control to your response to fear so that you can reclaim your full quota of natural courage. Don't take on any more fear than what you have judged is controllable by your current store of courage.

Energy - value and use it economically. Userepparttar 105232 rhythm of your own energy cycles to your best advantage.

Calm concentration - work on putting yourself into a focused and relaxed state whererepparttar 105233 body is free of tension andrepparttar 105234 mind is clear and energized. Concentration exercise - count backwards from 50, as soon asrepparttar 105235 mind wanders, go back to 50 and start again until you get it all.

Organization - you must be able to draw upon order when you need it and loosen its restraints when you do not.

Decision making - accept that decision making is stressful. Focus on taking care of yourself while under pressure rather than making a premature decision.

Self presentation - never sell out on your individuality. Don't penny pinch on presentation - a high class look will give you a high class feel.

Problem solving - accept responsibility for solving your own problems.

Intuition - make a habit of listening for, and noting down your intuitive response whenever you need to make a decision. Individuality - ask yourself regularly if you are being yourself. Remind yourself that many of those who have contributed most were individualistic characters.

Action signals - these are symptoms that you feel that require immediate action. Here are several action signals along with a brief summary of her recommended solutions: 1. Guilt 2. Frustration 3. Disappointment 4. Inadequacy 5. Anger 6. Loneliness

Self criticism - make a short self-criticism session part of your daily habit: What could you have done better today? What didn't you do that you should have done today? Reframe self put-downs into a neutral format.

Self forgiveness - it's important to regularly forgive yourself because you are constantly changing and developing, and it is impossible to do this without getting it wrong many times.

Assertiveness - Practice using your directness in low-charged emotional situations first. Deal with your unassertiveness before tension mounts up and you over react torepparttar 105236 situation.

Self protection - don't waste time and energy arguing with people if their opinion is of no value to you. Reveling in success without fear of failure - Double your rate of failure. Failure is a teacher - a harsh one, perhaps, butrepparttar 105237 best you can be discouraged by failure or learn from it, said Thomas Watson of IBM. .

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