Book Review: The NEW Game Of Business

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

If you think you've seen and heard everything there is to say, The NEW Game of Business brings new distinctions and a fresh perspective torepparttar world of business.

This slim, easy-to-read soft cover book is so good that it should be required reading in business schools aroundrepparttar 103866 world. Every entrepreneur and every company employee, fromrepparttar 103867 janitor torepparttar 103868 CEO should read and reread this book.

The author's quote in Chapter Five quite nicely summarizesrepparttar 103869 topic of this book. Mitchell Axelrod says this "I help you get from where you are, to where you want to be." The new game in town is that of reciprocity and no longer doesrepparttar 103870 businessperson withrepparttar 103871 most toys win.

Consumers are tired of turning onrepparttar 103872 television every day to more bad news about badly run businesses. Corruption and scandal seem to rulerepparttar 103873 day and all this negativity takes a toll onrepparttar 103874 economy and well being of those who sell and those who buy. Mitchell Axelrod advises that thinking outsiderepparttar 103875 box is so outdated that businesses need to throw awayrepparttar 103876 box entirely and begin playing "The NEW Game of Business." This game is inclusive rather than exclusive and it is based upon service. Reading this book will help teach yourepparttar 103877 value of throwing outrepparttar 103878 old rules and writing a new script for a new game. A game where everyone wins.

The chapters of this book include: Play byrepparttar 103879 New Rules... "Caveat Vendidor!" Design a New Strategy... It's NOT just Business; It's Personal!,

Leave Your “Buts” Behind for Great Customer Service

Written by Ed Sykes

How many times have you heard something similar to this in a customer service situation?

Customer: “Why don’t you just do it this way, and it will take care ofrepparttar situation.”

Customer Service Person: “I understand what you are saying, but we can to do it this way.”

Thenrepparttar 103865 situation magically goes downhill from there and it is difficult to win backrepparttar 103866 customer.

What Happened?

The customer service person usedrepparttar 103867 one word that has a powerful negative effect when dealing with customers. The one word, if you can imagine, brings outrepparttar 103868 horns onrepparttar 103869 customer’s forehead, turns his face red, tightens his teeth, and clinches his hands…the word is but.

This is because but is an exclusive word. The use of but negates everything that was said previously byrepparttar 103870 customer. The customer then feels alienated and disrespected. It says torepparttar 103871 customer, “You discounted or ignored everything I just said and you are going on with your agenda. Well, you don’t respect me, so I won’t respect your solution.”

The Solution

Replacerepparttar 103872 use of but with this powerful, positive word that will makerepparttar 103873 customer feel like he is are a part ofrepparttar 103874 solution, put a smile on his face, and changerepparttar 103875 mood torepparttar 103876 positive…the word is and. And is an inclusive word. If you think about it, and in math equalsrepparttar 103877 function of addition. The use of and says to your customer, “I value what you just said, and we will take that into consideration as I share my solution with you.”

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