“Bodybuilding Sins” That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts: Part 2

Written by Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS and Steve Hefferon, CMT

Welcome to article number 2 in our series “Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts”. In this article we are going to talk about how bodybuilders tend to create massive muscle imbalances and what you can do to not be one of them. If you missedrepparttar first article, you can read it by clicking onrepparttar 112876 link below. Here’s a breakdown ofrepparttar 112877 articles to look for: 1. Article #1 - Choosing The WRONG Exercises 2. Article #2 - Training Variations for Pain Relief and Maximum Results 3. Article #3 - Targeted Stretching 4. Article #4 - Targeted Exercises 5. Article #5 - Rest, Recovery, and Injury Prevention Article #2 - Training Variations for Pain Relief and Maximum Results Bodybuilders are a stubborn bunch… almost as bad as runners! And they tend to followrepparttar 112878 “HERD” doing whatever exercises and routinesrepparttar 112879 “pros” are doing... Now, if your goal is to be as big as possible and you are not at all concerned with your health and fitness, don’t even bother this article… this article is for bodybuilders who ARE concerned about their health and want to be big, strong, powerful, and agile… if that’s you, read on… The reason so many bodybuilders suffer from so many different injuries is because there are several thingsrepparttar 112880 “pros” don’t tell you… First off,repparttar 112881 articles that you see in allrepparttar 112882 muscle mags aren’t even written byrepparttar 112883 “pros”… andrepparttar 112884 workout routines they recommend are always extreme and often not even used byrepparttar 112885 “pro” who supposedly wrote because their main goal is to sell magazines… not give yourepparttar 112886 real deal on bodybuilding. If you are serious about bodybuilding and want to achieve your true peak, you need to stay injury free… and that’s just about impossible if you train they way most bodybuilders do. There are several key strategies that you can use right now to not only eliminate any aches, pains and injuries you currently have, but also keep from creating more muscle imbalances inrepparttar 112887 future. For a more detailed article on muscle imbalances go to http://www.losethebackpain.com/achesandpainsarticle.html Strategy #1 - Targetrepparttar 112888 Weaklings! No, we don’t meanrepparttar 112889 exercises you think your weak at, or evenrepparttar 112890 muscles you think are underdeveloped… what we mean isrepparttar 112891 muscles that are weak in relation torepparttar 112892 opposing muscle group. For example, inrepparttar 112893 first article we talked about whyrepparttar 112894 Leg Extension is not a great exercise and why it’s responsible for so many cases of knee, hip, and back pain… andrepparttar 112895 reason is, most people, especially bodybuilders, are already over developed and stronger inrepparttar 112896 quadriceps… and usually have a significant imbalance betweenrepparttar 112897 quadriceps and hamstrings. Another reason bodybuilders tend to develop so many severe muscle imbalances is because they emphasizerepparttar 112898 front ofrepparttar 112899 body more thanrepparttar 112900 back… a great example of this is what we call “The T-shirt Muscle Workout” and it usually consists of dozens of sets of chest and biceps…

Using Bodybuilding Supplements To Build Muscle Mass!

Written by Anthony Ellis

OK, first let's get something straight here...

If you think that buying a shake or taking a few pills will all of a sudden make you huge, then you are mistaken.

No supplement will help you if you are not training and dieting correctly -- they will just give you very expensive urine. All aspects of your program have to be in order for you to getrepparttar maximum benefit from sports nutrition supplements. From my experience, supplements enhance your program by:

1. Adding an element of convenience: Using food supplements like Meal Replacement Powders and whey protein help to eliminaterepparttar 112875 common problem of 'not enough time', by providing you with an quick efficient way to get your required nutrients each day.

2. Increasing strength and decreasing recovery time: Using vitamin and amino acid supplements help to minimizerepparttar 112876 negative side effects of weight training and speed your recovery.

The Benefit of Convenience

There are many 'old school' trainers and bodybuilders who professrepparttar 112877 uselessness of supplements. They are constantly preaching that they don't work, and that you don't need them. Well, to tell yourepparttar 112878 truth they are correct, somewhat. Remember that not too long ago there were no supplements. Bodybuilders built huge physiques without meal replacement powders, creatine or prohormones.

There was no such thing as exercise 'machines'. They used multi-jointed, compound free weight exercises that not only increased their muscular size, but also make them incredibly strong. So, if you look at that way it can be done and you don't need any supplements. However,repparttar 112879 decision whether or not to use supplements should involverepparttar 112880 consideration of other factors that may come into play when speaking of dieting today. The first of which is time.

Many people today just do not haverepparttar 112881 time to live, eat and breathe food. Very few people like to cook, and even fewer cook on a regular basis. When wasrepparttar 112882 last time that you actually had six meals that you actually cooked yourself? Many of those who are against dietary supplements continue to preach that you should get allrepparttar 112883 nutrients that you need from your diet. 'Eat a balanced diet and you will get allrepparttar 112884 nutrition you need'. Well, 100 years ago that may have been true, but today this type of advice is questionable.

The fact is, most people's idea of a good meal is restaurant or (even worse) fast food. To ask someone to eat specific amounts of protein, fat and carbs seems like an impossible request considering that most people can't even get their minimum requirements of good fat or fiber. Experts will continue to spout 'eat a balanced diet,' while Americans feast on nutritionless fast food and sugar. Not only do our bodies have to deal withrepparttar 112885 ever-increasing external stresses of everyday life, they also have to combat nutrient-depleting, tissue damaging exercise.

If I did not haverepparttar 112886 option to supplement my diet with whey protein, I probably would not have gained as much weight as I have. Now, I'm not saying thatrepparttar 112887 whey protein is why I gained weight, but it did help me a great deal.

I am usually very busy and I just don't haverepparttar 112888 time, norrepparttar 112889 desire to eat six, planned whole food meals per day. Supplements like meal replacement powders and whey protein fill in this gap for me.

I typically have three real food meals and three protein supplement meals -- that makes up my required six meals each day. When I'm away from home, or not able to get an adequate meal, my MRP is always right there when I need it. It gives me a quantifiable amount of protein so that I can keep track of my nutrient intake. In my opinion, this is much better than just grabbing something and then trying to guess at how much protein, fat or carbs you just ate. Getting in all of your required meals and nutrient amounts is crucial to your success.

My mass diet requires a very high daily protein intake -- Over 300g per day. Just to give you example of how much that is, here are some examples of what 300g of protein is equal to:

Tuna -- 50 oz of canned tuna (the average can is 6-8oz.), which is 1,750 calories and 25g of fat

Chicken -- 38 oz of chx breast (equals about seven 6oz breasts), which is 1,313 calories and 38g of saturated fat

Beef -- 43 oz of lean ground beef (about 2.7 pounds of meat), which is 3,214 calories and 215g of saturated fat

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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