Body Types

Written by

The human body has three different body types that are known asrepparttar Endomorph, Mesomorph &repparttar 142182 Ectomorph. So listed below are 3 quick synopsis of these body types so that you will you have a better understanding of body type you might be.


The Endomorph body type isrepparttar 142183 most prone to body fat when compared to Mesomorph and Ectomorph while atrepparttar 142184 same time can gain muscle easily. So keeping this body type in good shape would berepparttar 142185 result of moderate exercising and aerobics.

Butrepparttar 142186 health risk of this body type is that it's more prone to heart disease.


Elliptical Trainers Vs Treadmills: Which One Is The Better Buy?

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

So which exercise machine is better:repparttar treadmill orrepparttar 142157 elliptical trainer?

While treadmills are stillrepparttar 142158 #1 piece of home exercise equipment, elliptical trainers are quickly catching up. This leaves many people wondering 'Should I buy an elliptical trainer or a treadmill?'

While there are definite differences betweenrepparttar 142159 two, it really boils down to you -repparttar 142160 buyer. This article will lay outrepparttar 142161 benefits of bothrepparttar 142162 treadmill andrepparttar 142163 elliptical so you can make an informed decision and chooserepparttar 142164 best machine for you.

Treadmill Benefits:

· Great for runners, walkers and joggers:

The treadmill is stillrepparttar 142165 machine of choice for those who prefer running, jogging or even walking.

It's obviously a smarter choice forrepparttar 142166 dedicated runner/jogger than an elliptical trainer. Plus it can help you train even inrepparttar 142167 winter months when you don't want to run outside.

· Anyone can use it:

Walking is a simple form of exercise that anyone can do - from beginner to seasoned athlete. It doesn't take much coordination.

You don't have to be supercoordinated to figure out how to use a treadmill whereas elliptical trainers can sometimes be a little tricky to use – especially for beginners.

· Provides workout variety:

A treadmill also provides workout variety of a different kind thanrepparttar 142168 elliptical trainer. A treadmill allows you to walk, run, jog, walk uphill, do intervals and programs. You can even build in upper body handweights to work your arms, back and shoulders.

Elliptical Trainer Benefits:

· Lower impact on your joints than a treadmill:

What is interesting is that this lack of impact onrepparttar 142169 joints allowsrepparttar 142170 user to burn roughlyrepparttar 142171 same amount of calories as treadmills withrepparttar 142172 impression of putting out considerably less effort.

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