Blueprint of Online Success

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

I'm going to introduce you to what is potentiallyrepparttar most valuable strategy you're ever going to learn about Internet Marketing, or even business in general. Once you grasp this concept and make it your own, your marketing life will never berepparttar 119652 same again.

And, you're going to wonder why this simple idea, which is so incredibly powerful and immediately useful, is not taught as part of every Internet seminar, home study course and e-Book.

--- What works and what doesn't

If you've been inrepparttar 119653 market for Internet advice and guidance for any length of time, you've probably noticed that things can get complicated and confusing quickly. Every 'guru' seems to have his own technique and says you have to buy *his* method and sign up for his software if you're going to succeed.

The truth is, if you bought every e-Book, attended every tele-seminar and bought every home study course, you'd never make any money because you'd be so tied up in knots trying to figure out which way to go, you'd have trouble picking a direction and getting started.

--- Building an income stream is like building a house... it starts with a blueprint.

Focus on what *matters*. Once you haverepparttar 119654 blueprint,repparttar 119655 'tools' part falls into place, but tools without a plan are useless.

Let's say you decided you want to go intorepparttar 119656 house building business. So, like any intelligent person, you decide to do some research. You buy some books and go to some courses. So far, so good.

But what would you think if you went to a course or bought a book and instead of learning how to actually build houses, you were given a 'rah rah' speech and pitched on saws and hammers and two-by-fours?

Sell what People are Buying

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

Here's whatrepparttar most successful Internet marketers will often tell you when you ask them what they sell onrepparttar 119651 Internet:

"I sell what people are buying."

When you first hear an answer like this, you might be tempted to think that it's some kind of a joke or a non-answer. But wait. Don't jump to any conclusions.

Here's why... They're giving you a perfectly honest, sincere and very useful answer.

Successful Internet marketers *always* start by analyzing what people are buying online first and then starting a business.--- A strange truth.

--- There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Contrary to popular belief, selling e-Books is far fromrepparttar 119652 biggest, best or most lucrative opportunity in Internet marketing. There's nothing wrong with e-Books, but it's only one very small part ofrepparttar 119653 Internet opportunity.

Inrepparttar 119654 real world, people make serious money online one of three ways:

1. They sell real, physical products. 2. They sell information in all its forms. 3. They sell advice to real businesses that need help with their Internet marketing.

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