Blindfold Activities in the TEFL classroom

Written by William Sullivan

One method of creating a genuine information gap is throughrepparttar use of blindfold activities. Blindfolds can be employed in a variety of ways inrepparttar 139241 TEFL/foreign language classroom to foster a truly communicative and student-centered approach to learning. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

This first activity is a great way of reinforcingrepparttar 139242 language of giving directions. After having one student to leaverepparttar 139243 classroom,repparttar 139244 teacher instructsrepparttar 139245 remaining students rearrange classroom furniture. The student who has leftrepparttar 139246 classroom is then blindfolded and brought back in. Students then userepparttar 139247 target language to leadrepparttar 139248 one blindfolded throughrepparttar 139249 maze of rearranged classroom desks and chairs to some goal—this could be a special treat, a piece of candy, a valuable item (that had previously been taken fromrepparttar 139250 student), or some other reward.

Another activity—and this one is played in groups of three—is called Artist, Model, Clay. As soon asrepparttar 139251 first student (the Clay) is blindfolded,repparttar 139252 second student (the Model) strikes a pose. The goal is forrepparttar 139253 remaining student (the Artist) to userepparttar 139254 target language, describingrepparttar 139255 pose torepparttar 139256 blindfolded student. Ideally, byrepparttar 139257 end ofrepparttar 139258 activityrepparttar 139259 blindfolded student should be positioned similar torepparttar 139260 pose originally struck byrepparttar 139261 Model. It is excellent for practicing imperatives (“Put you right leg out a bit more!” or “Bend your knee slightly!”) or for reinforcing parts ofrepparttar 139262 body.

Using, choosing and using an educational consultant

Written by Terry Freedman

Using, Choosing and Using an educational consultant


The aim of this document is to provide advice and guidance in choosing a consultant inrepparttar field of education. You may berepparttar 139091 headteacher or principal of a school or college, an officer in a local education authority (LEA) or school district, orrepparttar 139092 director of a private company wishing to undertake work inrepparttar 139093 educational sector. This article focuses mainly on information and communication technology (ICT), butrepparttar 139094 underlying principles also apply more generally.

Using a consultant

Consultants, at least inrepparttar 139095 UK, have a poor reputation as a species, and yet they are in greater demand than ever. Why? Why would any organisation elect to use a consultant rather than hiring someone? There are several reasons for this.

Short-term work

Some work is, by its very nature, short-term. If, for example, you are having a new computer suite installed, you might want some advice from an external person who has no axe to grind – and whom you can blame when halfrepparttar 139096 staff complain aboutrepparttar 139097 design,repparttar 139098 equipment and so on!


In a specialist area, such as ICT, it’s quite likely thatrepparttar 139099 school doesn’t haverepparttar 139100 expertise in-house to do what it needs to do within a particular time scale.


Although consultants can be expensive, it is (or should be) a relatively short-term expense. And don’t forget that you don’t have allrepparttar 139101 on-costs, like pension contributions. These can add up to 20% ofrepparttar 139102 salary costs. Also, ifrepparttar 139103 consultant goes on holiday or falls ill, you don’t incur any extra expense.

Choosing a consultant

When choosing a consultant or adviser to assist your school in ICT, whether for Hands-On Support, training, strategic development or any other aspect of ICT, it’s important to getrepparttar 139104 right person or company forrepparttar 139105 job.

To help you do so, here is a list of questions you may wish to ask before hiring someone. You are unlikely to find any person or company who can answer “yes” to all of these questions, so you will need to bring your own professional judgement to bear on your decision.

1.Isrepparttar 139106 consultancy independently accredited by a quality assurance scheme, such as by NaaceMark or similar scheme? If not, is it seeking accreditation? Note that an answer of “No” in either case is not necessarily a bad thing. In my own experience,repparttar 139107 work itself is so time-consuming that it’s quite difficult to go throughrepparttar 139108 hoops required to prove that you can do what you’re doing! That’s whyrepparttar 139109 next few questions are important too.

2.Isrepparttar 139110 consultant a member of a relevant organisation, such as (inrepparttar 139111 UK) Naace orrepparttar 139112 Society for Education Consultants? These types of organisation provide a certain degree of quality assurance inrepparttar 139113 sense that they won’t accept just anybody as members, although they will give no guarantees aboutrepparttar 139114 quality of work undertaken by their members. Also, they often provide useful information aboutrepparttar 139115 sector in whichrepparttar 139116 consultant works, which in theory at least keepsrepparttar 139117 consultant up-to-date on current developments inrepparttar 139118 field.

3.Ask for details of similar work undertaken byrepparttar 139119 consultancy, and for details of satisfied clients – but bear in mind that a reluctance to supply such details may be due to considerations of confidentiality.

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